Title: All Along The Watchtower Fandom: Grey's Anatomy Pairing: Mer/Der Rating: M Summary: S6 continuation. Immediately post Sanctuary / Death and All His Friends.
Thank you for writing and sharing your true Meredith and Derek with the rest of us who also remember the characters as they were originally written and movingly acted by EP & PD. It is such a shame that we have to suffer through years of disappointment caused by show writers carelessly flip flopping the characters around to suit whatever ridiculous story line or whim of the week. Instead, if they actually bothered to give some time to the Mer/Der relationship, and would write scenes true to the original characters showing their deep connection (which is the consistent thread in your writing), and then give those scenes to EP & PD so that we could actually see them on the screen instead of living on memories from the first two years...............oh well, please keep writing because that's all we have anymore. Thank you.
Thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a thoughtful comment! Admittedly, I've been happier with S9, because it features a lot of mutually supportive MerDer, but, still, there's just not enough of it for my tastes :(
Comments 26
In a word. Perfect. As always.
p.s. I particularly liked the mental image of naked Derek proudly prancing like a pea*cock*. :=)
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