2013 is off to a good start.
My Dad's been in hospital for a couple of weeks now - just got moved to a rehab facility a couple of days ago, after being discharged from the neurological ward.
He'd had a stroke followed by a seizure, and then the anticoagulant they put him on to prevent seizures caused a series of small brain bleeds. He fought his way back from a probably-going-to-die-imminently diagnosis and is reasonably stable. I think?
He's able to walk if he's assisted, but he can't balance on his own; yesterday he got out of bed when the nurse wasn't looking and fell over.
And he can speak, but they think he may have some aphasia.
He's started spiking fevers the last day or so, and experiencing arrythmia, so at the moment they're investigating to see what else might be wrong; the rehab facility may have to send him back to the hospital for heart monitoring.
Kinda ironic that his brain and heart are the damaged organs. He's a chronic alcoholic, with 100% perfect kidney and liver function.
How are you?
Crossposted from
http://ariadne83.dreamwidth.org/107470.html, where it has