holly_blackmoor. No, this is not what it looks like. I'm not gonna talk about my thoughts about this episode of GMW over here. I'll post my thoughts eventually over on the board like usual. I've just been busy with RL stuff. And writing fic concerning said episode. ;o) I'll get to it 'soonish'.
In the mean time...
After a few viewings, this scene... it still just HURTS.
Jacobs broke my babies. He broke my BABIES!!!! I love these girls so much. To see Riley in so much pain, and Maya struggling to comprehend how ANYONE could think such horrible things about 'her girl'... I feel like it'll take me awhile to fully come to grips with this scene. Even if I feel like I understand it better than I did even just a few days ago.
FRIENDSHIP and GROWTH. Life lessons, baby. :o) The people and things you can always depend on happening to you as a person. I won't be forgetting that anytime soon. *happy sigh* Even if I had to have my heart put into a blender in the process, I know it'll be okay. Thanks for that at least, Disney. I can always count on your 'cheese factor'. heh
And Rowan was just incredible. <3 But more on her performance over on the board later.
Okay, in an attempt to cheer myself up over this whole episode here's one of my favorite scenes (also in gif form) from "Rileytown" featuring our boy, Farkle. <3
That southern twang coming from him... *shivers in delight* Lucas's influence? Yes, indeed-y! At least, this fangirl likes to believe so. :P ;o)
And to top it off, two happy GMW videos. One Riley-centric and the other Raya-centric.
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More coming 'soon-ish'! Another uplifting video!! And FIC!! :)