Title: Little Boy Blue and the Man in the Moon
Writer: Ariana
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Catch up with the whole story on AO3Status of work: WIP - chapter 12 out of ~15
Characters and/or pairings: Sherlock/John, Sherlock/Irene, Sherlock/OFC, most of the casts of House M.D. and Sherlock (BBC)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Spoilers for House season 8 and Sherlock
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Comments 6
I was just thinking tonight, what I want is just a chapter of one of my favourite WIPs to read and tada! Thanks for updating!
Yes, House was being a bit cruel to Mycroft with the trip to the morgue, but I'm sure he felt justified after years of believing Sherlock was dead. Now, of course, they're both worried. Though trust Sherlock to be able to function sufficiently to analyze the antidotes despite being a "dying man"!
More hopefully in less than a month's time, though I seem to remember promising something like that last time...
Aw, thank you very much *blushes*. When I saw the video, it was as if I had seen the light! It just made so much sense. :)
So thank you very much - I'm glad you found the story and I hope you'll tell all your friends about it too. :D
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