lol, sigo con el meme~

Jul 18, 2011 17:49

Me he saltado tantos días que a estas alturas ya debería haber acabado el meme XDD pero me da iguaaal :D

Day 1: Your ultimate bias
Day 2: Your favorite OTP
Day 3: Your favorite Sub-group
Day 4: Your favorite SJ Song
Day 5: Your favorite SJ-T song
Day 6: Your favorite SJ-M song
Day 7: Your favorite SJ-H song
Day 8: Your favorite SJ-K.R.Y. song
Day 9: Your favorite song that was sung on a live performance
Day 10: Your favorite album
Day 11: Your favorite MV
Day 12: A SJ song you know all the words to
Day 13: A SJ song that makes you cry
Day 14: A SJ song that makes you smile
Day 15: A SJ song that reminds you of the missing 3
Day 16: The very first SJ song that you’ve ever heard
Day 17: A picture of your favorite SJ-subgroup
Day 18: A picture of the member you think has the cutest smile
Day 19: A picture of the member you think is overrated
Day 20: A picture of the member you think is underrated
Day 21: A picture of the member you think has the best “engrish”
Day 22: A picture of the member you think has the best jawline
Day 23: Your favorite picture of your bias
Day 24: Your favorite SJ picture
Day 25: Your favorite SJ show
Day 26: Your favorite dance
Day 27: Your ideal boyfriend out of all the SJ members
Day 28: Your favorite SJ interview
Day 29: A SJ song you never get tired of
Day 30: Your favorite radio show that is hosted by a SJ member

8) Mi favorita de KRY es difícil, porque me gustan básicamente todas XDD

Me quedaría con... Let's Not

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Y Fly

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También con The One I Love, pero sobre todo esas dos XD

9) Aysss, a mí me gustan todas las performance XDDDDD Pero creo que la que más me impactó en su momento es... Disco Drive en Japónel 2009, porque se ve que se lo pasan TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN bien en el escenario, y el público se lo pasa piiiipa viéndolos♥, que me dan ganas de bailar yo sola en esta triste habitación XDDDD

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He cambiado el layout y los icons. Esto de poder tener solo quince es... :(

meme, super junior

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