According to a survey Kitty did in her journal, I am/have the following things out of her friends:
-best house
-always negative
-best dressed
-best room
-nicest mom
Go me! Hell, in fact,
******the basics******
1. Full name: Arielle Joy Genovese
2. Birthday: October 5th
3. Location: Palm Bay, FL
4. Where else have you lived: Long Island, NY
5. School/mascot/colors: Bayside, bears, black/teal. o.O
6. Zodiac sign: Libra. I get cold a lot. And I'm moody. ^_~
7. Shoe size: 6 1/2
8. Height: 5'4, just right.
9. Weight: 140. *dies*
10. Pets: Fink and Mouse (Chihuahuas), Derick (poodle), Gizmo (small parakeet thing), Flac-Flac (EVIL AFRICAN GRAY OF DOOM)
11. Siblings: Brother, Joe, 19.
12. Eye color: Hazel.
13. Hair color: A shade of brown that reminds me of green, with my bleached out...things.
14. Hair length: Past shoulder.
15. Ever dyed your hair?: No, but I've bleached it once in 8th grade and again at the end of 9th.
16. What color?: I bleached the color out. ^_~
17. Grade: 10th. Ugh.
18. Are you good in school?: Ahaha.
19. Hobbies: Computer shit, playing/rebeating the end of FF10, sucking at FF7.
20. Nicknames: Ari, and Azzi within the family/NY friends.
21. What languages do you speak? English, "stoner English" as stolen from Kitty, took 2 years of French.
22. Do you play sports? Ahahaha.
23. Where were you born? Brookhaven, NY.
24. Are you a night or a morning person? NIGHT. Oh god, the night is my friend. Everything is sexier at night.
25. Are you ticklish? Yes, especially in my "spot."
26. Do you believe in god? Not at all.
27. Do you have any other screen names?: Yeah.
28. What are they?: thevampireari is my main one, ariellebebop just for AOL shit.
29. Do you have braces?: No, but I wish I had invisible ones.
30. Do you have glasses/contacts?: I HATE MY GLASSES. But I look bad without them.
!!!!!!getting personal!!!!!!
31. What do you want to be when you grow up? Pornstar would be nice.
32. What was the worst day of your life? Dunno.
33. What is your most embarrassing story? Peeing my pants in the middle of class in 3rd grade.
34. What has been the best day of your life? None yet.
35. What comes first in your life? The well-being of my friends/family.
36. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? Crush, yes.
37. What are you most scared of?: Being home alone at night.
38. If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them? In my eyesockets, if they were better then my current set.
39. What do you usually think about before you go to bed? Mmmm, sex dreams, come to me.
40. What do you regret the most?: Being a bitch.
41. If you could be anything without consequences, what would you be?: Pornstar.
42. Movie: Umm...Trainspotting, IWTV, This Is Spinal Tap...
43. Song: "Stairway to Heaven" - Led Zeppelin
44. Band/group: The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones
45. Store: I don't really give a shit. o.O
46. Relative: My parents? o.O
47. Sport: .....
48. Vacation spot: I've only vacationed in Florida. And I live here now.
49. Ice cream flavor: Cookie Dough.
50. Fruit: Strawberries and cherries are sexy when other people eat them.
51. Candy: Ummm crispy m&ms?
52. Car: The ADD Wagon!
53. Class: Damn my life.
54. Holiday: Xmas.
55. Day of the week: Saturday...sleep.
56. Color: Black, silver, green, red.
57. Magazine: Rolling Stone.
58. Name for a girl: I dunno.
59. Name for a boy: I dunno.
60. Sports team: Yankees!
61: Month: June is nice.
62. Man athlete: ...
63. Female athlete: ...
64. Actress: ...
65. Actor: ...
66. TV show: Cowboy Bebop.
67. Web site: Erm.
68. Animal: Snakes are so sexy it hurts...
69. E-mail buddy: Too many to list.
70. Joke: 3 guys walk into a bar. The 4th one ducks.
71. Saying: W3RD UP. XD
72. Word: W3RD.
73. Brand of shoes: ...does it matter?
74. Radio station: Oldies 103.7. XD
75. Room in your house: My room, and the computer room.
76. Concert you have been to: ...I'm so lame.
77. CD: My burnt ones.
78. President: Meh?
79. Salad: Turkey salad. XD
80. Meat: Turkey.
81. Pizza topping: Sausage or pepperoni. Mushroom is pretty good, too.
82. State: ...Florida? XD
83. City: Daytona Beach is cool.
84. Lake: Bayside Lakes! XD Okay, I'm lame.
85. Ocean: Indian Ocean! XD
86. Place to be: Sitting on the golf course at night.
87. Smell: Spicy guy cologne or shit.
88. Sound: Guys playing guitar...*blush*
89. Taste: I don't know.
90. Feeling: Luff. I don't know what love feels like.
91. College: UCF I guess.
92. Number: 71. 69 with two fingers.
93. Book: Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice.
94. Vacation spot: Deja-vu anyone?
95. Grandma: My Italian one is dead, my Jewish one is insane. But gives me money. XD
96. Grandpa: My Jewish one gives me money, my Italian one is cool. :D Oh, and Grandpa Cobain 0WNZ.
97. Cereal: Lucky Charms. Yum.
((I killed the Not-so-favorite section. It pissed me off. xD))
^^^^^^in the past 24 hours have you^^^^^^
152. Had a serious talk? Yeah.
153. Hugged someone? No. :(
154. Fought with a friend? Yes. :/
155. Cried? A lot yesterday, unfortunately.
156. Laughed? Today, a lot. :D
157. Made someone laugh? I'm Ari. I am funny. I think.
158. Bought something? No. FFX-2 will be my next purchase.
159. Cut your hair? I last had my hair cut on Registration day.
160. Felt stupid? Constantly. Especially today in 6th.
161. Talked to someone you love? Love? No. Luff? Yes.
162. Missed someone? Nah.
??????have you ever??????
163. Done drugs? Yes.
164. Eaten an entire box of Oreos? God no, ew.
165. Been dumped? Yes, by my only/first boyfriend. -_-
166. Had someone be unfaithful to you? I think he cheated on me with a guy. Not sure.
167. Watched punky brewster? No.
168. Hiked a mountain? I hiked those hills on the Gettysburg field. ^^
169. Stayed home on Saturday night, just because? I stay home on Saturday nights 99% of the time.
170. Been in love? No. I'm in luff, though.
171. Seen the white house? No.
172. Seen the Eiffel tower? No.
173. Tried smoking? Actually, no. ^_^
174. Drank alcohol? Yes, and I'm quite the lightweight.
175. Smoked marijuana? Yeah.
176. Played monopoly? I hate monopoly. -_-
178. Seen Titanic? I love that movie. *runs away*
179. Kissed someone? Quickly on the lips...not even a liplock.
180. French kissed someone? NO. KILL ME NOW.
181. Lost your virginity? Not until I'm at least 16.
182. Tried a weight loss program? No, I'm a weird eater. I haven't eaten much lately, though.
183. Jumped on a trampoline? Mmhmm.
184. Visited another country? No.
185. Colored in a coloring book (and had fun)? Yes, and I suck at it. ^^
186. Had a bubble bath? not in years. Bathtubs are usually icky, unless they are those luxurious kind. But sure another guy was in there with me. ^_~
187. Been on a plane? Yeah, 4 times. *shivers*
188. Been on a boat? Yes.
189. Been on a train? Yes. Long Island Railroad, fo'sho'!
190. Been in a car accident? A mini mini one.
191. Ridden an elephant? No...
192. Made a web page? Yes. I know my fair share of HTML.
193. Played with barbies? I used to until I moved down here. I once tried to masturbate with one. DON'T ASK.
194. Stayed up all night? Only once, I hate to say.
195. Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean? Of course.
196. Broken a bone? Nope.
197. Called a psychic or sex hotline? No.
198. Watched Jerry Springer? Oh hell yes.
199. Gotten in trouble for talking in class? Yup.
200. Been afraid of the dark? Unfortunately.
201. Been in the hospital (not visiting)? When I was like, 1. o.O
202. Had stitches? No.
203. Dumped someone and regretted it? No. Never dumped anyone, and I wouldn't want to unless they were a HUGE fucktard.
204. Went out with more than one person at a time? No, that's lame.
205. Lied? Yes.
206. Been arrested? No.
207. Fallen asleep in class? Yeah. Had a nice dream, too.
208. Used food for something other than to eat? I deep-throated a pickle.
209. Met a celebrity? No.
210. Broken the law? Yeah. LOOK AT ALL OF MY ILLEGAL MUSIC. AHAHA.
211. Ever loved someone so much it made you cry? Replace "love" with "luff" and then yes.
212. Hated yourself? of course.
213. Been brokenhearted? No.
214. Broken someone's heart? Unfortunately...
215. Wanted to kill someone? In 8th grade, of course.
216. Fell off a chair?: Constantly.
217. Lap danced? No, I will one day, I'm sure. I want my own lapdance, though.
218. Been in a fist fight? No.
219. Been in a cat fight? Nah.
~~~~~~do you~~~~~~
220. Like to give hugs? Only to special people. ^^
221. Like to walk in the rain? I don't do it alone. I've done it with Sunny when we were caught in it. I'd like to walk with a boyfriend in the rain.
222. Sleep with or without clothes on? I wear undies and a sportbra. Wow.
223. Prefer black or blue pens? Black.
224. Dress up on Halloween? Yup.
225. Have a job? Thankfully no. ^^
226. Like to travel? No. I don't like leaving this chair.
227. Like someone? Do they know? Yes, and yes.
228. Sleep on your side, tummy or back? Tummy, one hand under me, one hand across a pillow.
229. Think your attractive? ...Sometimes.
230. Want to marry? Mmhmm.
231. Have a goldfish? I used to have beta that lasted for years. o.O
232. Ever have the falling dream? Yes.
233. Have stuffed animals? Not really anymore.
234. Go on vacation? Well, I visited my friends in NY over the summer if it counts.
235. Do you believe in the horoscopes: Nah.
236. Do you like your handwriting: No. And only Sunny can seem to read it. ^^
237. If you could be anybody, who would you be and why: I like myself, actually.
238. What superhero would you be: Superheros suck.
239. Do you have any piercing: One on each ear. I want to pierce up my left ear, though.
240. Any tattoos: Not yet.
241. If so where: --
242. If not, where and what do you want: Maybe my lower back.
243. Are you picky: It matters what the thing is.
244. What makes you cry: Feeling like everyone hates me.
245. What makes you mad: Fucktards.
246. What do you think of Eminem: Fucktard.
247. Who do you admire: Girls who can maintain one weight for long periods of time. o.O
248. Do you like cartoons: Anime. ^^
249. Do you believe in the devil: Um, no.
250. What is the one place you have to visit before you die: Japan.
251. What did you do today: "Raped" Jeremy.
252. Where do you work: In my head.
253. Do you even have a job you lazy bum: No. ^^;
254. Are your 'rents lame: Eh.
255. Do you own a miniskirt: Of course.
256. Do you floss: No. Mouthwash.
257. What is the farthest you have traveled: NY.
258. Who is a diva: ....
259. What kind of shampoo do you use: Lately this cherry shit.
260. What about conditioner: umm I forgot.
261. Do you use big words to sound smart: Oh god no...
262. When you get mad, do you swear a lot: I swear when I'm in a good mood, too.
263. Got milk: Eh.
264. Do you have a magic 8 ball: Not anymore.
265. Name something that comes in threes: Male genitalia.
266. Ever worn black nail polish: Am wearing some right now.
268. How many sheets are on your bed: Two.
269. What's under your bed: The Chamber of Secrets. THAT SUNNY DEFILED.
270. Do you have your own TV and VCR: Yes, and a DVD player.
271. Do you believe in fate: Actually, I do. :/
272. Do you see dead people: No.
273. Are you a good speller: Not really.
274. What is your lucky charm: Sunny.
275. Why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway: ......
276. Do you like little kids: They love me. ^^;
277. Are you talented: Not at all.
278. If so, how: My nonexistent ones. Unless you count deep-throating pickles/brushes/tv remotes
279. Ever hugged a tree: Yes.
280. Do you watch the weather channel while getting ready in your hotel room on vacation: Yes.
281. Do you ever steal anything from hotels: No. ^^
282. Ever seen a ghost: No.
283. How about an alien: No.
284. Do you believe in either of them: Possibly.
%%%%what do you think about%%%%
285. Abortion: Yes.
286. Bill Clinton: W3rd.
287. Smoking: Stupid, but whatever. Some guys actually look sexy smoking.
288. Eating disorders: ...meh.
289. Rap: Crap.
290. Jerry Springer: Fo'sho'!
291. Suicide: Useless.
292. South Park: Apparently I'm an Uncle Fucker.
293. Summer: Yum.
294. Tattoos: As long as they're minimal...YUM.
295. Piercings: GOD YES.
296. Make-up: If I feel like it.
297. Drinking: Ari=lightweight.
298. Guys: I love the cock!
299. Girls: Good as friends.
((Deleted name association section.))
*~*~your friends~*~*
333. Friends: People.
334. Best friend: Sunny
335. Spend most time with: Sunny
336. Best house: No one invites me to their house, so Sunny wins by default. :D
337. Funniest: Nik.
338. Smartest: Kitty.
339. Hottest: Jeremy.
340. Strongest: Buh...
341. Most athletic: ...
342. Knows you the best: Sunny.
343. Most outgoing: Sunny.
344. Most shy: Danny.
345. Always negative: Sunny.
346. Which one let the dogs out: YO' MOMMA.
347. Most trustworthy: Sunny.
348. Most fun to be with: Sunny.
349. Biggest flirt: Sunny.
350. Best dressed: Jeremy. And Mirianne.
351. Best eyes: ...Jeremy. *shuffles feet*
352. Most depressed: Sunny. Cheer up, d00d.
353. One to gossip with: Sunny.
354. Sweetest: Mirianne.
355. Who has the best room: Kitty.
356. Who follows you: Sunny.
357. Who do you follow: Sunny.
358. Who do you pretend to like but cant stand: THE NERDS WHO FOLLOW ME.
359. Do you make friends easily: Not at all.
360. Are you intimidated by any of your friends: Jeremy.
361. If u were stranded on a desert island then who, out of your friends, would u want to be there with u: Sunny as a friend. Jeremy as a luff.
362. Who do u think would help u the most if u were in trouble: Sunny. Right?
363. Who do u think would risk their life to save yours: Hopefully Sunny. -_-
364. Who is the most popular: My friends are losers.
365. Who is the most unpopular: All of us! :D
366. Who do u want to go to college with: Sunny.
367. Who do u wish could be part of your family: Sunny.
368. Who is the biggest junk food junkie: ANTHONY AND HIS SUGAR.
369. Who would do anything for 1 million bucks: Jeremy would do anything for weed, I'm sure.
370. Who do u think has the nicest siblings: Kitty.
371. Who do u think has the nicest mom: Kitty.
372. Who do u think has the nicest dad: Sunny.
373. Who do you have the most inside jokes with: Sunny.
((Deleted the "name spellings" section.))
&&&&this or that&&&&
396. Pierced nose or tongue? TONGUE.
397. Be serious or funny? Funny, but serious at the appropriate times.
398. Single or taken? I am single, and not loving in.
399. Simple or complicated? Simple.
400. Law or anarchy? Anarchy would never work.
401. MTV or VH1? MTV2.
402. 7th haven or Dawson? I never got into those "teen shows."
403. Sugar or salt? Sugar.
404. Silver or gold? Silver.
405. Tongue or belly button ring? Tongue. Yum.
406. Chocolate or flowers? Flowers.
407. Angels or miracles? Miracles.
408. Color or black-and-white photos? Colored.
409. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset.
410. M&m?s or skittles? CRISPY M&MS.
411. Rap or rock? Rock of the classic genre.
412. Stay up late or sleep in? ...both.
413. TV or radio? Playlist.
414. Hot or cold? Cold allows for some cuddle time.
415. Tall members of the opposite sex or short? If there was a guy who dug me who was shorter then 5'4, then no, it's not happening.
416. Sun or moon? Moon.
417. What time is it? 5:57pm.
418. Diamond or ruby? Diamond.
419. Left or right? Right.
420. 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? Meh.
421. Vanilla or chocolate? Chocolate.
422. Kids or not? One kid. A girl.
423. Cat or dog? Dogs!
424. Half empty or half full? Half empty.
425. Mustard or ketchup? Ketchup.
426. Newspaper or magazine? Magazine.
427. Spring or fall? Spring.
428. Give or receive? I don't know, let me try first. ;)
429. Rain or snow? Rain.
430. Lace or satin? Satin. :D
431. A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship? God, I don't know.
432. Happy or sad? HAPPY.
433. Corduroy or plaid? Plaid.
434. Wonder or amazement? Wonderment.
435. Sneakers or sandals? Sneakers.
436. Mcdonalds or burger king? McDonalds.
437. Blondes or brunettes? Brunettes. Or black hair.
438. Mexican or Italian food? I have to go with my Italian roots, man.
439. Lights on or off? During sex? Off. With candles. Yum.
440. Duct tape or scotch tape? Duct tape is sexy.
441. Candy or soda? Soda.
442. A house in the woods or the city? City...
443. Pepsi or coke? Diet Pepsi.
444. Nike or Adidas? ....
<333*~*~love life~*~* <333
445. Do you have a crush: Yes. Yes I do.
446. What's his or her name: Jeremy.
447. How old are they: 15.
448. How long have you liked him or her: Officially since the sophomore meeting in August/September...
449. If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be: Jeremy. :/
450. If you could date anyone in the world, who would it be: Who the fuck do you think?
451. What is the biggest turn off: Being a serious bastard.
452. The biggest turn on: having a "I don't give a shit" style, PIERCINGS, longish (but not long long) hair.
453. Do you prefer being the dumper or the dumpee: :/
454. Do you think there is a person for everyone: Yes.
455. If yes, do you know who yours is: If it's right, then it's right. I'm not psychic.
456. Where is the best place to be kissed: I wouldn't know on my body, but location wise, I'd like to kiss in the rain, on the golf course. ^^
457. Where is the most romantic place to take a date: See above.
458. Do you believe in love at first sight: I believe in lust at first sight.
459. Have you ever been in love: No.
460. What do you think love is: I really don't know. I guess you just know when it happens.
470. Do you have a b/f or g/f: No.
472. How long have you been together: :(
473. What do you like about your crush or b/f, g/f: I actually made a list in my real journal. Basically, he's nice, funny, is a dork, and is quite nice physically, too, but I don't really care about that.
474. When was your first kiss: MEH.
<3* 4 girls only!!*<3
475. What do you look for in a guy? I don't know.
476. Tough or hard-core guys? Alternative.
477. Sweet or innocent guy? Sweet.
478. Smart or athletic guys? Smart.
488. Favorite cologne on a guy? As long as it smells decent. I really don't care.
489. Best gift a guy could give? I don't know!
490. Flowers . . . Sweet or wasteful? Sweet.
491. Sweetest guy you know? Danny. Jeremy hasn't exactly shown his sweet side yet.
((Deleted "For guys only"))
501. First grade teacher's name: Shit I dunno.
502. Last word you said: "Thanks mom" because of dinner.
503. Last song you sang: The "fast" part to Stairway to Heaven.
504. Last meal you ate: Lean Cuisine chicken stuff.
505. Favorite childhood cartoon: Rocko's Modern Life.
506. What did you hate most about school: The people. But I love school now for the socialization.
507. Last person you flipped off: Jeremy. Behind his back. XD
508. Last song stuck in your head: She's Gonna Break Soon - Less Than Jake, because I was looking through my pictures and saw the one with Jeremy wearing his LTJ shirt.
509. What line/verse: 'She's gonna break soon, gonna break soon, gonna break soon. She's gonna break soon, gonna break soon, she's gonna break.' Wow. So deep.
510. Last time you were burned: Never.
511. How: ...
512. Last time you bled: My bathroom counter didn't agree with my head.
513. Favorite game show as a child: Family Double Dare! XD
514. What's in your CD player: Nothing. Heh.
515. What color sox are you wearing: None.
516. What's under your bed: The Chamber of Secrets.
517. What's the weather like: Dark.
518. What is on your wall calendar (i.E. Curious George, magnetic poetry): I don't have a wall calendar.
519. What time did you wake up today: 6:30am
520. Did you think it was earlier, later, or on time: *shrug* It's my normal time for school days. On weekends, it's usually 11:30-12pm.
((Deleted the whole "future" section))