"It is the Nethicite," she assured him, quickening her steps. "It has done...things to them."
For anyone interested in Basch/Ashe:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3364016/1/ I don't know why, but I have such a weakness for these kind of stories: unlikely pairing starting to sound signs of interest in each other, and other members of the party taking notice of this and starting a betting pool, then nudging the two lovers so that they'll win the bet. And the two lovers realizing what their companions are doing, which makes them think they're in a party of Mad Hatters.
Okay, so I only know two stories like this: You Better You Bet, a FFX story featuring Auron/Rikku, and Comeuppance, a FFXII story featuring Basch/Ashe. The betting pools arranged are of different kinds, too--in You Better You Bet, everyone is certain Auron and Rikku will get together, so the bet is on when it will happen, while the betting pool in Comeuppance is whether Ashe will end up with Basch or Balthier (although it's obvious to the reader what the outcome will be, because Balthier never plays a prominent role in the fic). The size of the betting pool is very different too--in YBYB, every party member besides Auron and Rikku gets into it, as do several NPCs. Since Comeuppance is a one-shot, it makes sense that the betting pool is smaller: Penelo, Vaan and Fran are the only participants.
But still, it's the silly tone and the light-hearted romance and eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~I'd love to see a fanfic of this tone where people were betting on say, if Johnny was going to go after Shania or Hilda (or alternatively, when and where Johnny would confess to Shania). I can so see Mao arranging a betting pool and then trying to fix the results XD
(Yes, I'm being ridiculously fangirlish. Dood, it's just this type of fic, it hits all my romance/humor buttons. XP)
I'll have to try writing something like this when I'm done with other fanfics.