I'm trying to figure out what kind of job would support the kind of lifestyle I want. So first, I tried making a list of what I need, want, and fancy. If you notice something missing from the "need" section...heh. Oops!
Things I Need
- a home
- food
- mattress
- blankets
- pillow
- silverware, cookery, plates
- hygienic stuff
- cleaning supplies
- fridge, microwave, oven, stove
- transportation
- phone
- curtains
- health insurance
- savings for six months-year (in case of unemployment)
- savings for retirement
- means to contact family
- enough free time to relax and unwind
- real-life social group
- opportunities for volunteer work*
Things I Want
- computer access--either my own computer or a library where I can use my jump drives
- internet access--for news, chatting, and networking
- a new game roughly every six months
- new books to read
- car (depending on public transportation)
- notebook & pens
- access to a pool
- savings to help five younger siblings attend college**
- kitty!
Things I would like but not mind missing
- trip to Japan
- graphics program (paint.NET is free, but doesn't have everything)
- tablet to draw on
- transportable keyboard to type on
- ability to disappear for an entire weekend and/or be a crazy fanatic every so often***
*-even if not exactly volunteer work, I think I need some kind of part time "occupation" that involves hands-on work. I like thinking abstractly...and yet, there's a kind of satisfaction I get working at the MTC, where I can look down and see, in terms of plates and bowls and trays, just how much work I have done, which I haven't gotten from jobs like Kumon. Since it probably wouldn't as pay as well as, say, something involving desk work, it's still something I'd like to do regularly--a job with tangible, physical results.
**-number may increase. Hopefully not on my mom's side. It's been on my mind a lot with their recent financial difficulties--I was worried for a while about how my thirteen-year-old sister would finance college. Though a good student, she doesn't do as well with tests and school as I did, so I wasn't sure if she be able to get a scholarship. Then I realized this was the same person who had completed her Young Woman's Excellence goal in only a year. Basically, as long as she keeps that sort of thing up and goes to BYU, her good academic standing and community service should net her a scholarship.
But in case she doesn't, or if any of my other siblings need it, I'd like to be able to help them attend the college of their choice. There would probably be conditions attached to the money though :) ("b-average, or I'm yanking it!")
***-disappearing from the world for a weekend has always been an odd fantasy of mine, probably because when I was young, I read a book about a boy running away into the Catskill mountains and living on his own.
It wouldn't even have to be a camping trip, though that could be fun; I might go to a city. As long as it involved pulling a disappearing act on friends and family. (Okay, I would first warn said friends and family well in advance that if I disappear on a weekend, not to freak out, and probably tell them the specific weekend I'm planning on.)
As for "being a fanatic"...last year, I wanted to see if there were any other SH fans who'd be up for cosplay in Las Vegas (I'd be Edna! :D), and basically advertise the nearing release of Shadow Hearts: From the New World with silly antics--whether it was cosplayers acting out scenes in the middle of the strip or a trio conducting "quizzes" (in the same manner as the games XD). I never mentioned it because I knew from my schedule and finances alone that it just wouldn't be feasible, and I was also a little worried about whether that sort of thing could get people in trouble...
But heck, at least once, I would like to promote a game I'm enthusiastic about. Yes, yes, I'm crazy. That was looooooong established.