Dear yuletide 2024 Creator...

Oct 13, 2024 17:33

Dear author --

First off, thank you for participating! This is my eleventh year participating in one way or another. I look forward to receiving your story with the giddy anticipation of a child waiting for Christmas morning. Which I guess I kind of am! LOL!

While I know you will write what comes to you, and I sincerely hope you have fun writing the story, I just thought I'd mention a couple of things for you...

Fandom-specific requests ::
  • Agatha All Along (TV) [Agatha Harkness (Agatha All Along 2024), Alice Wu-Gulliver (Agatha All Along 2024), Jennifer Kale (Agatha All Along 2024), Lilia Calderu (Agatha All Along 2024), Mrs. Hart | Sharon Davis (Agatha All Along 2024), Rio Vidal (Agatha All Along 2024), Teen (Agatha All Along 2024), Vertigo (Agatha All Along 2024)]
    Listen, I'm just gonna say this the easiest way possible: I want anything and everything with these characters. LOL! There is so much opportunity for pre-canon, canon, and post-canon fun, not to mention any canon divergence or AU possibilities. I want to offer some post-canon prompt options, but given that we're not there yet... LOL That said, I think there is a whole world of possibilities with these characters: character insight, crises of faith, slice of life, romance, friendship, covenship... And yes, I will be happy to play with non-canon romantic things, as long as Teen is not involved in the smut, being a minor and all.

  • Evil (TV 2019) [Ben Shakir, David Acosta, Fenna (Evil TV), Karima Shakir, Kristen Bouchard, Laura Bouchard, Leland Townsend, Leslie Ackhurst, Lexis Bouchard, Lila Bouchard, Lynn Bouchard, Sheryl Luria, Sister Andrea (Evil TV), Timothy (Evil TV) ]
    Okay, so this show has absolutely become a huge fave of mine. It hits all of my buttons re: religious lore and such, plus it has that same kind of vibe as The X-Files and Poltergeist: the Legacy. And while I didn't specify characters in my signup, all of these characters fascinate me in their own right, so I am literally down for anything for them as long as it doesn't hit my DNWs. Case fic, slice of life, missing scenes. What about something from Ben and Karima's childhood, for example? Or something with Sister Andrea's long history of seeing and battling demons? I'm honestly good with anything in this universe with any of the characters: crises of faith, slice of life, case-related. Literally anything. Probably the ONLY thing I'm not that interested in for this fandom is blatant relationship stuff that is non-canon compliant.

  • The Fall of the House of Usher (TV 2023) [Annabel Lee Usher (Fall of the House of Usher 2023), Arthur Pym (Fall of the House of Usher 2023), Camille L'Espanaye (Fall of the House of Usher 2023), Frederick Usher, Lenore Usher, Madeline Usher (Fall of the House of Usher 2023), Napoleon "Leo" Usher, Prospero "Perry" Usher, Roderick Usher (Fall of the House of Usher 2023), Tamerlane Usher, Verna (Fall of the House of Usher 2023), Victorine LaFourcade, William "Bill-T" Wilson, Worldbuilding (Fall of the House of Usher 2023)]
    I'm just going to be honest with you here. I'll take anything you want to give me for this fandom: canon, canon divergent, AU, pre-canon, post-canon... This is probably my favorite of all the Flanaverse shows, and I just found all of these characters so damned fascinating! As long as it doesn't hit my DNWs, we're pretty much good.

  • Gargoyles (Cartoon) [Elisa Maza, Goliath (Gargoyles), Janine "Fox" Xanatos, David Xanatos]
    Look, this is a show that is very near and dear to my heart. I love all of these characters and would love to see some sort of slice of life day for any of them individually or coupled up as you choose. I've seen all 3 seasons, though I don't tend to acknowledge S3 as much for various reasons. Canon, pre-canon, post-canon, slice of life, "case fic", canon divergent, AU, etc. I am here for all of it...

  • Merlin (1998) [Ambrosia (Merlin 1998), Frik (Merlin 1998), Merlin (Merlin 1998), Nimue (Merlin 1998)]
    The way I literally lost my mind when I saw this miniseries had been nominated... I have a huge love-hate relationship with this miniseries, but I am able to ignore my issues with it because it's just so damned good! I love all four of the nominated characters [all of them honestly], and would be happy with literally anything for any of them. Please feel free to give me canon, pre-canon, post-canon, slice of life, canon divergent, AU, etc.

  • Ocean's 8 (2018) [Amita (Ocean's 8), Constance (Ocean's 8), Daphne Kluger, Debbie Ocean, Lou Miller (Ocean's), Nine Ball (Ocean's), Tammy (Ocean's 8)]
    This movie is a full-on comfort film for me. I have it on in the background a lot, simply because it's lovely to listen to them ...and to occasionally look up and get sucked in again, as I always do. I would love to see anything in canon, pre-canon, post-canon, sicle of life, canon divergent, character development, etc. How did Debbie and Lou get to know all of these women? What past hijinks did they get up to? Were there any romances among these ladies, requited or unrequited? Would they hang out if it weren't for the jobs? Anything is good for me...
Basic notes ::
  • Nothing OOC. That really, really throws me out of a story faster than anything but bad grammar/spelling. Seriously.
  • None of this "if they were in high school/college together"/written as kids stuff, UNLESS it actually happened in their canon. I HATE it.
  • Babies/children are a toss up. With the exception of Tom/Trina [if you go that route], none of my couple options have small children/babies [if they have kids in canon, and you want to use them as babies/small kids, I'm okay with that], though some of the women listed are moms/daughters. I'm not necessarily looking for it, but at the same time, if it's done tastefully, I don't mind children/babies fic.
  • Big No-No Plots :: high school/college AUs ; non-con/dub-con ; song!fic ; OOC ; easy answers ; bodily fluid kink ; gratuitous violence ; gratuitous angst for the sake of angst ; incest ; no tentacle porn (unless it's related to CANON Ursula in Once Upon a Time) ; no body horror
  • Big Yes-Yes Plots :: AUs ; the use of realistic magic/spiritual beliefs ; positive kink ; sex toys ; intelligent discourse ; personal growth ; fic that passes the Bechdel test
And yes, I know this probably looks like I'm really fucking picky. In some ways, I am. But at the same time, it's totally your choice to follow or not follow what's written here [with the exception of the incest & noncon/dub-con things, which really bother me]. I just thought this might be something to help you out with ideas for the story you'll be writing. Feel free to peruse my journal to get more info. I really don't hide much....

If you're someone that knows me, you probably already know this about me. And you probably already know what I like. And if you don't know me, or aren't sure about something, ask the mods to ask me. Or, hell, ask or because they know me and my likes/dislikes very well.

And really? Just have fun with this. The fact that you're signed up and willing to play along is awesome with me...

Once again, thank you in advance for the story you're going to be writing for me. I can't wait to read it!

See also DW post

dear author letters

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