The AJ FAQs... aka What you'll see in my LJ... aka My Friend/Defriend Policy

Sep 04, 2005 20:51

All right, people. Here's the deal. The bullshit stops here.

This is my livejournal. That's why it has my name on it, not anyone else's. Therefore, the things that will be in this livejournal will be things I choose to have in it, not what others what. That's what their LJs are for. And if someone doesn't have one, they're free to get and set up quite easily. In my LJ, I screen any comments made by non-friends. If I don't have you friended, I will screen your comments and possibly outright delete them without anyone seeing them. Again, my journal, my decision. I also automatically log IPs. Very useful when people are being dicks in my LJ.

Here are some of the things you will see in my LJ

  • Politics & political beliefs/leanings :: I am not now, nor have I ever been, a Republican. In any sense of the word. If I have to go with the bipartisanism of this country, I'm a Democrat. But honestly? I vote green when I have the chance. I am both pro-choice and pro-death penalty. I believe in freedom of choice for the people and equality for everyone, regardless of age, race, sex, orientation, religious beliefs, etc. I believe that the wealthy should be paying a shitload of taxes and those of us who aren't as wealthy should be getting the tax breaks, not the other way around. I believe that people should be free to marry whomever they choose, regardless of gender, and should all automatically have the same rights and privileges.

  • Religion & religious beliefs/leanings :: I am pagan. More specifically, I'm an eclectic Wiccan. I also answer to Witch. I was raised as a Lutheran, Missouri Synod. I was baptized and confirmed. Christianity is a huge deal for my family. For a long time, it was for me. And then, when I had several crises of faith and life, Christianity didn't do for me what I needed it to. And so I researched paganism, Wicca specifically. And I found that it was far more satisfying to my soul than Christianity had been. I am dedicated to four deities [3 goddesses and a god], but I am open to visitations/influences by other deities. I study a broad range of pagan topics, in belief systems that aren't solely Wiccan in structure. I have no problem having a spirited discussion on similarities/differences between my religious beliefs and those of someone else. I do have problems when someone else proselytizes or forces their beliefs down my throat. That's a really easy way to end up on my shit list, folks.

  • Sex & Sexual Orientation :: I'm a lesbian, a dyke. I've known since I was 10 years old. There it is, deal with it. I don't hide it, no more than I hide my religious beliefs. If you want to be specific, I'm a lesbian-identified bisexual. I look at men, lust after them, fantasize about them, write/read about them, but probably wouldn't sleep with them. Despite that, I also read and occasionally write hetfic, as well. I am in a committed relationship with the person I consider my soulmate, despite the fact that we do not have sex. I have no qualms in saying that. I doubt she does either... I also have no qualms in saying that if someone comes along that is attractive and interested, I'd be all over the option of sleeping with them, man or woman. My body, my life, my choice.

  • Fanfic & Writings :: I write mainly slash, m/m & f/f. In a variety of fandoms that change as the mood and my muses choose. I also write a variety of kinks in my stories. Everything is listed when I post the stories. If there's something you don't like, whether it's the pairing, the plot, the kink, whatever, then don't read it. Period. And if you don't like, don't tell me about it either. There's a reason you can skip entries and such. Every single story I post has the info on it, including warnings and summary easily seen. End of story.

  • Quizzes & Memes :: I post a lot of these. I admit it. I like them, and I enjoy the release.... Sometimes there are a lot in a particular day. Sometimes not. It just depends. I try to post the multiples behind a cut, but I don't always...

    If you have any issues with any of this information, then feel free not to friend my LJ or read it. That's your choice. But now that you've seen this, don't expect to come to my LJ and badmouth anything I say here because you don't like it. And if you do badmouth it, you should fully expect to be given the full brunt of my anger. And if you mock me in another journal, yours or someone else's, and I find out about it, you should also expect the full brunt of my anger. If you can't say it to my face, then don't say it. Understood? Treat me with respect, and I'll give you the same in return. Period.

    That said, if you find you no longer wish to have me on your friends list, that's fine. It's your choice and I offer complete amnesty in letting you do as your heart leads you. Please just comment here to say that you're unfriending me for reasons listed in this post [or whatever reasons you feel you need to do so] and then unfriend me. I may keep your lj friended then, I may not. But either way, I will treat you and your lj with respect unless you give me a reason not to.

    End of story.
  • work, rants, important lj info

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