i wonder...

Feb 09, 2005 23:09

If you were a mythological creature what would you be? a unicorn cause they're pretty
What color are your bed sheets? green or purple .. changes
When sitting on the floor do you cross your legs or sit on your knees? cross legs
What's your element (fire, water, air, earth)? fire
What's the most valuable book you ever read? anything by Dr. Sueuss
If you were an anime or cartoon character what would you look like? i'd make myself one of those really hourglass shaped blondes with big hair & red lips and a beauty mark above the lip. and i'd prolly wear slutty denim shorts and a flannel top tied above my bellybutton. hehehe
What about personality? really sexy and seductive
What about your role in the show (hero, villain etc.)? bad guy's sidekick
Does playing violent car games make you want to run over people? not even
Who or what were you in a past life? cleopatra haha
Do you eat your veggies? yup
Have you ever been attracted to or tempted by someone of the same sex? yea i find girls "attractive" but i'm like ooh i wanna take ehr clothes off..hell no
What really pisses you off? racism
Do you exercise regularly? i try to
If you could go back in time where and when would you go? i'd redo my childhood
What were you like as a kid? cute and shy. liked to be around adults
If a movie was made about your life right now what rating would it have? pg13 ..used to be R..
What about the title? "beginner's luck" ..haha
If you could only grant life to one of your favorite characters who? Peter Pan's a cutie
What's the best compliment you ever recieved? "you are one of the prettiest girls i know"
What would you look for in choosing a roommate? if i had to..someone who didn't get annoying after awhile
What phrase(s) do you over use? "lol" "fuck" "i love you" "aw"
Do you pretend to like people? yes
Do you avoid confrontation? sometimes
What was or is your highschool click like? i'm tryna get away from being "part" of a group..but they are/were .. the 'popular' preppy girls who always go out with 'popular' cute white boys. (theres a good enough reason why i don't belong)
Do you ever pretend to be smarter than you are? nope
Do you ever keep arguing even when you know your wrong? lol no
What picture do you have on your desktop? um a pic from "the notebook" ..Noah & Allie kissing in the rain
What are the top three traits you look for in a mate? someone who cares about me, sense of humor, trustworthiness
What are the top three worst qualities a person can have? saying the wrong things at the time, obnoxousness, bad judgement
Are you an elitist? NO
What amusement park ride would you be? flying carpet ride in disney world
Do you wear sexy underwear or the grandma pack (women) tighty whities (men?) bikini style ..mostly..& thongs
What time do you wake up? school days 5:30 or 5..weekends..btween 8:30 and 11:30
If you could meet one of your online buddies right now who would it be? Becka ..she's my only "online buddy"
If you were a flavor what would you be? mint cause it's pretty and exciting and ya breath don stink after
If you could be granted one talent what would you choose? to be an amazing dancer
If you liked someone would you tell them regardless of circumstances? no
Do long distance relationships work? i PERSONALLY don't think they do..
Are you a coward? no
What's your most alluring physical quality? my lips or eyes
What part of your body are you the most insecure about? hair/face ..sometimes shape.
Scuba-diving or Sky-diving? sky diving!
Do you attract a lot of attention from the opposite sex? i get attention ..not like A LOT but yea sum
What about the same sex? not frequently but sometimes..as far as being attracted to me
Is it more important to live fully or virtuously? fully
Has anyone ever been in love with you? um, i like to think so
If so, who? =X
Have you ever been in love with anyone? yes
If so, who? ..if you don't know you don't know me
Do you like sweet, salty, or sour snacks best? sweet
How old is your computer? almost 2 years
What gender do identify with the most? female ..since i am one?
Are you shy around strangers? not usually
Are you scared of the dark? yes
Are you open and expressive with your feelings? usually
Or are you cold and reserved? no!
Do you or would you resist falling in love? if i felt that i should yes
Are you afraid of commitment? no
Do you chew gum? yes
Has anyone ever told you that you're sexy? yes
What's your favorite fruit? watermelon
What religion or philosophy is closest to your own? well i'm Jewish but i don't agree with all the concepts. my religion is just faith in G-d.
What's your sex drive like? tamed. i get a lil needy every now and then ;)
Is there someone you look up too? yea
If so who? Margot
What kind of shoes do you wear? reebok
Can you walk on your hands? no
Do you have a rival or arch-nemesis? darth vader..lolll
If so who? i was kidding!
Are you flexible? Yes
What's your favorite name for a girl? Tessa / Desiree / Diana / Destiny
For a boy? Charles, Stephen, idk
All time worst name ever? i donno
Do you engage in cyber sex? definetly not.
Would you preform oral sex? k.
What color is your bathroom floor? white
Can you keep a secret? very well
Do you talk about people behind their back? everyone does their share of talking. i don't talk about my friends unless they did something to me and i'm concerned about it
What's important to you? MY FAMILY, friends, grades, music, my future, volleyball, my appearance, my health
Do you boast? not really
What's your worst kitchen disaster? when me and Whitney tried to make ice cream out of flour and milk.
Are you good at comforting people? so i've been told ;)
What's your favorite cookie? classic chocolate chip
Whose the sexiest person you know? Mike Englehart! hehe or Billly..
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