Death everywhere. The changing of seasons. What the hell? Aya's old classmate... Ashley's dog (tearing me apart inside... I hate it when dogs have to go)... and now...
Today during my loooong break in between classes, I was eating lunch and reading in a "cafeteria" area at school. It started well enough, there were peanut noodles and a good jazz combo playing (yes, my school has live concerts at lunch...). I saw my friend Kristen across the room, some of you know her. She was meeting with someone, but signaled that she would come say hi afterwards.
In the meantime, I continued reading and was interrupted by two guys approaching my table and asking if I had time for a short survey. I said yes, they asked me some questions that got progressively more religious and by the end they were questioning my own faith. I asked who they were, they said they were with the "College Crusade" something or other. I wanted to ask if they'd thought about the appropriateness of calling their group a "Crusade," but decided not to. They asked if I would join them, since my answers to their questions about the afterlife and the existence of God probably led them to believe that I'm misled or confused, but I told them I'm a PK and quite comfortable with my faith, thank you. They left.
SO then it got worse. Kristen came over, cheery as ever, and we chatted for a couple minutes until a guy came over to our table and asked her "Are you ___'s old roommate?" She suddenly got very quiet and concerned looking, and said yes, and asked if he was someone else's roommate. He said yes. He sat down. No introductions, I was slightly offended. I sat quietly while they talked about Kristen's old roommate and how they were going to have to meet her at the airport, take care of her, the service is tomorrow night, someone needs to stay with her at the hotel,she might want to see the apartment... Kristen kept making sure this guy was OK, he kept saying yes but then said he'd had to leave class earlier, he's been staying with his girlfriend, he's been spending so much time on everyone else he hasn't thought about himself. Then he got on the phone and Kristen whispered to me that her old roommate's ex-boyfriend, the roommate of the guy at my table, had committed suicide. He was a Columbia College student and Kristen's old roommate was flying in from CT for the service. Apparently she's a wreck because he had been calling her before he did it and she thinks it's her fault...
Needless to say, that incredibly awkward situation did not put me in the mood for learning about Russia and Soviet History, but I went and felt like a zombie. And the sudden frigid weather isn't helping. Insert comment about weather and ghastly occurences having something to do with one another here.
SO I need reassurance. I trust all of my friends. But I worry too. And now I worry more, because although I've been lucky, for some reason this death thing has been hitting close to home recently (well, not CLOSE, but too close for comfort...). Sorry to be so morbid. The PSA: if you need help, get help. Don't be embarrassed about needing help, because everyone needs it at one point or another, and we all know people who have been through rough times. I don't want to have to deal with anything like what I've been seeing people deal with in the past couple days. Call me selfish.