an interesting day all and all. i realized that no one reads my live journal. if you are reading this please post a hi so i know how many people read it. im guessing 4. but anyway i am going to start using tags so that people dont have to read everything that randomly crosses my mind.
so i am going to be presumpsuios and assume i know something about sex. i have no sex drive lately, as odd as it is. i like sex and wouldnt mind it but the drive just isnt there. maybe its because i dont feel the need to prove that i am good in bed anymore, i know what i can do. i am a 20 years old i should be busting with sexual energy. and im sure if i was put into a situation where i needed it it would come but its like an on/off switch. not that im complaining mind you it keeps me from making stupid decision just to have sex.
so today was my first real metaphysics class, the whole class is on how we think which im going to try and exsplain vaguely. everyone lives there lives in a metaphysical framework. its our referance point for the world. its how we prove and disprove things what we believe why we think certain things. most people live in what we call the modern europen mindset. where everything is proven through science. which we think is the basis of the world, its very logical very linear. we went into other mind sets like the native american midn set which is based around mythilogical mindset, everything has a story which leads us to the truth. the eurpean mindset does the samething but with science which will eventaully lead us so that we understand truth and reality as it really is. we go from this to the toaism and dualism and most oriental mindsets. that you reach perfection by means of the gateless gate. yes i realize thats an interesting concept. but what it comes down to is that everyone reaches it a different way. one person reaches it by means of mediation. one by perfecting an art. one by cleaning toilets, it really doesnt matter. but everyone can reach it but everyone has to find there own way. normally by means of deep internal thinking. ok recap
european mind set = you start at a place and thru the gate of science you reach true understanding.
toaism = you start at a place and everyone finds there own gate and everyone one reachs the same true understanding.
now my questions is if we are questioning everything why are we assuming that there is a true understanding. all of the mindsets we talk about assumes that there is a single true understanding that by following there mindset you will reach reality and understand everything as it truely exsists.
my model = you start at a place (because you have to) and everyone finds there own gate to there own truth.
if your lost dont worry my proffesor looked at me twitched and didnt even try to look at it.
i would like to host a game but i doubt anyone will show up so i will in all accuality not run one, as is my plight in life. garou is going fine, im learning things as i go and the lovely thing about garou is the more you show up the stronger you get. i wish i could go to chris's game (sarahs boyfriend) he holds great games but i cant leave every weekend so meh.
here are some cool quotes
"Ok, ok hang on. I didn't think I would actually get this far"
"Tongue of the Sun and Moon (Ex): A monk of 17th level or higher can speak with any living creature.
It would be fun to walk through a valley while the monk tries to block out the plants chanting "Pho-to-SYNTH-esis pho-to-SYNTH-esis!", or the "Ow ow ow" as you step on the grass."
"You are not only wrong in your call, but possibly are the worst DM ever, akin to some sort of biblical plague. I'm surprised that your players don't start bleeding from their eyes or spontaneously combusting from being in the same room with you, let alone survive subjecting themselves to what you've termed a game.
And, frankly, you are wrong. You are wronger than the people who thought the earth was flat. You're wronger than people who add two plus two and come up with waffles. Your statement is illogical, not internally consistent with ANYTHING, and frankly, pretty bloody stupid."
My coolest PC kill was......
I was playing a goblin wildmage with delusions of godhood in 2Egame. A minotaur laughed at my goblin dressed as a wizard. He snatches my familiar and knocks me over. He then EATS my familiar. The party Barbarian laughed at me too! That was It. I was a level 18 mage with all kinds of permanent magical defenses. I cast a double strength maximized fireball. The Inn exploded in fire the Minotaur was killed outright. The barbarian and a few other PC's thought I went overboard and said SO! They killed an archmages familiar and laughed at me. That was It I unloaded. I killed all of PCs in the Bar, the town guard who came to investigate, all the onlookers, the entire town and the local lord who came on horses later to stop the rampaging mage. The rest of the surviving party had a healthy respect for the goblin.
Oh, I cut my familiar out of the Minotaur’s corpse and had it raised!
Fear the goblin
"there is no god of heavy artilery
"there is now bitch and your looking at him"
welcome to the psyciatric helpline:
if you are compulsive neurotic: press 1 repeatedly
if you are a co-dependant: ask someone else to press 2
if you have mulitple personalities: press 3, 4, 5, and 6
if you are scizophrenic: please wait for the voices in your head to tell you which number to press
if you are paranoid delusional: we know who you are, and what you want. please hold while we trace your call
and if you are manic depressive: it doesn't matter which number you press, because nobody's going to answer
There are no prerecs for Philosophy you know why…. Because they don’t matter. No matter how much you know or how much information you have it doesn’t help you. It’s about thought process, and it’s about logic. The first part of this semester they give you the tools and maybe even the weapons you need then you go out and build…or destroy as you see fit. People can do these things but we have always been taught certain things are right and wrong with out being taught why. When did what something is become more important then why.
We live in a time where there are no overt enemies, no single decisive victories. We don’t fight insurmountable odds. As quoted in fight club “We're the middle children of history. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives.” We have to question things and if those things can’t stand up to our attack we must tear it down and build something else in its place. Other classes teach you stuff, information. We teach you how to think.
Fight Club:
Tyler Durden: Listen to me! You have to consider the possibility that God does not like you. He never wanted you. In all probability, he hates you. This is not the worst thing that can happen. Fuck damnation, man! Fuck redemption! We are God's unwanted children? So be it!
American President:
President Andrew Shepherd: Leon, somewhere in Libya right now, a janitor's working the night shift at Libyan Intelligence headquarters. He's going about doing his job... because he has no idea, in about an hour he's going to die in a massive explosion. He's just going about his job, because he has no idea that about an hour ago I gave an order to have him killed. You've just seen me do the least presidential thing I do.
Lois McMaster Bujold, Memory:
I am who I choose to be. I always have been what I chose…though not always what I pleased.