Robin Hood: Mercy

Mar 21, 2009 20:19

Title: Mercy
Author: arliddian
Rating: PG
Fandom: Robin Hood
Characters/Pairing: Robin, Guy
Timeframe: Speculative season 3
Summary: Robin and Guy meet again after the events of season 2.
Word Count: 171
Author's Note: For the drabbles100 challenge. Prompt: "weeks".
Warnings: Alludes (without alluding) to 2x13 (Do I really have to keep putting spoiler alerts for season 2? Surely everyone's seen it by now!)
Disclaimer: Don't own it; don't sue me.

The scuffle ended surprisingly quickly. Robin had spent hours formulating the plan, and it had taken weeks for him to arrive at this point. Now that it was all ending, it seemed almost anticlimactic.


His sword gleamed, contrasting sharply with the dull skin and black leather it was pressed against. Guy stared up at him with bloodshot eyes, breathing heavily.

"Do it, then," he ground out, his voice flat. "Kill me. End my misery."

Robin pressed slightly, his blade just beginning to bite into the other man's skin.

"Today, Gisborne," he hissed. "I do not feel like a merciful man." The sword pressed deeper, just enough to draw a little blood. "If you are too cowardly to do it, I am not going to do it for you."

Abruptly, he stood and stepped away, weapon held loosely by his side.

"Go," he spat. "Go and live with your guilt."

Robin walked away, pausing only to snatch up the other man's sword, leaving Guy sprawled and broken on the forest floor.


fandom: robin hood, char: rh: guy, drabbles, char: rh: robin, drabbles100

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