OOC: Isaac things

Apr 08, 2005 16:21

Isaac things bopping around in the back of my head as I play him (and bear in mind, I only know about half of the stuff there is to know about him, and the rest just creeps up when I'm not looking as he snickers in the background):

His middle name is John. Sometimes he wonders why, if his parents wanted to give him such Biblical names, they didn't stick to one testament like sensible people.

-- on that note. It doesn't quite come through so much in text (for which he is profoundly grateful), but he has a habit of making bizarre leaps of logic and voicing them before he gives them any amount of thought, and therefore his idea of sensible might not mesh with the ideas others have.

He's not very physically imposing, probably most of the way along to slight, and tends to carry himself as such. Despite this, he wasn't lying when he says he's an ugly woman. (He is.)

His specialty is actually two things, and therefore should be specialties, probably: one, the fact that many people seem to find him trustworthy (again, this doesn't come across so much in text) although it baffles him, and two, the fact that while he isn't the best by any means in either technology or magic, he can just see where the two might fit together and be made something entirely else. (He was a bit annoyed that Juilliard called it "jury-rigging." He understands, yes, but was annoyed nonetheless.)
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