fanmix: in the same sky - arthur/morgana/merlin.

Jan 03, 2011 22:59

So, this fanmix was something I thought up last night whilst listening to a few songs on my iPod and reading this fic. I was totally inspired by the story and the music, and so I decided I'd make an epic mix. It's not as epic as I'd like it to be, but I'm pressed for time, so this is as good as it's going to get. I just want to let it be known beforehand that this mix is totally not canon-compliant. I guess what I mean is that it follows more of what happened in the fic than in the actual canon, but it can still work for the actual canon just the same. I also labeled each of the songs with the character or pairing I think it best suits, but I'm totally leaving it open to you guys to decide who you think it suits. Don't think that because I labeled it Arthur/Morgana that it's written in stone. It's open to interpretation! Also, I want to let you all know that I am writing a sort of commentary for the mix: my thoughts on the song and why I think it suits a certain character/pairing. You're welcome to skip over it as it might be TL;DR. So, that all being said, I hope you enjoy the mix.

it's about time
she's walking up to him so slowly
it's about time, it's about time to fly away
but wait, this one is different 'cause she's lonely.

I thought this suited Arthur and Morgana best purely because of the feel of the song. I'm no expert in music, so I'm not really sure how to put what I mean into words, but it's more than the lyrics that make me think of A/M when I hear this song. Some of the lyrics do play a part in it, but it's more than that. I'm like that with a lot of songs, actually, as you will see in this mix. I tend to look more towards the overall feel of the song than just the lyrics. Anyway, moving on!

the greatest
once i wanted to be the greatest
no wind or waterfall could stall me
and then came the rush of the flood.

I think this song best suits Merlin/Morgana because of that one single line - Once I wanted to be the greatest. I think it fits both of them very well, but contrast is also hinted at in a way. Neither of them admits outright that they want to "be the greatest" or best the other, but I think both sort of feel that way deep down. I might be the only one who thinks this, but anyway.

devil's thunder
i'm going down with the devil's thunder
i'm going down, so throw me some water.

I think this is a total Morgana song, and I have to admit, I did find this in another fanmix, but I don't think I was biased. This is a Morgana song through and through, and I couldn't resist using it in this mix.

crystal ball
oh, crystal ball, hear my song
i'm fading out, everything i know is wrong
so put me where i belong.

In my opinion, this song suits Merlin very well, because it's always reminded me of utter confusion and that feeling of powerlessness that I think Merlin often feels, especially when dealing with Arthur and Morgana. This song just seems perfect for him, and that's about as simple as it gets. I'm sorry I'm not explaining this very well.

white blank page
so tell me now, where was my fault
in loving you with my whole heart?

This song is just a total OT3 song. To be completely honest, I think this best suits the entire OT4, but I chose not to include Gwen in this mix because I could not for the life of me find another Gwen song, and so I thought it would be rather stupid to include her for one song. Anyway, I do love Gwen, so don't think that because she's not in this mix that I dislike her. ♥

forgive me
i was on shaky land
lost and unsure i opened my hand
and she held it like sinking sand.

This obviously is a Morgana song - I think this is one of the ones that swings more towards the fic than the actual canon. This song suits Morgana (in the fic) because she wants forgiveness. She knows that she has done so many terrible things and wishes to be forgiven by both Arthur and Merlin, and this song sort of explains her intentions and why she did what she did (i.e., that "she" that is referred to is Morgause, IMO), which is what made me want to include it. One thing I really loved is that the fic touched on both of their reactions to everything she'd done, and I thought it was actually perfect that Merlin forgave her first. This seems like the way it would have happened had this been actual canon.

time lapse lifeline
watch the sun watch the moon taking turns in the same sky.

I chose this song for the above line, simple as that. I thought it was perfect and just explained perfectly how magical and non-magical can get along and have peace. This is what both Merlin and Morgana desperately want to show Arthur, especially in the fic, and I just thought this was perfect. I even titled the mix after it!

the cave
but i will hold on hope
and i won't let you choke
on the noose around your neck.

I thought this was very Arthur/Merlin. Merlin is there for Arthur and vice versa. It's perfect, right?

come back when you can
come back when you can
let go, you'll understand
you've done nothing at all to make me love you less
so come back when you can.

I just thought this went well with the fic... Morgana leaving, and Arthur and Merlin wanting her to come back soon, wanting this to be only temporary and not forever. Yes? No? Anyway, on to the final song.

decision to decisions are made and not bought
but i thought this wouldn't hurt a lot
i guess not.

So, I didn't even think about the lyrics when choosing this one. I chose a snatch of lyrics that best fit them, but this was purely about the feel of the song. It's upbeat but a bit melancholy at the same time, I think, and I thought it would be perfect for the ending, to show that there's a future ahead of them and that there's a legend in the making, and so even though it seems like it's over now, to quote Morgana, it's only the beginning. So there you go! I hope you all enjoyed reading (or skipping) my ramblings. Your reward is the .zip file of the mix, including the cover art. Enjoy!

.zip file → here

(tv) merlin, (gen) i make mixes

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