...no not really.
Just going to write about my day... even though this is an art journal. But I can't take it anymore! I want to typeeeee... x^O I think I'm gonna turn this into an actual LJandAJ. kaykay? =)
BTWBTWSHARMI! I'm gonna do that thingie you did tomorrow, fo' sho'! <3
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Comments 7
XD Sounds like you had a goooood day, love. :D DO TEH THINGY! I'ma do it again... eventually. ^^
^__^ Love to youuuu.
But oh well. I'll buy a new one this weekend if they still have it in stock? D:
xD It was a craaaaaazywierd day. So random.
Waaaaaai just finished it! SOFUN.
And so random.
Makes me feel dirty.. xD;;
So many disturbing pairings...
Haha I should've just done characters from the same series.
OMGOMG btw, everytime I see that Draco icon, I fall in love with him a little bit more. ; 3 ; {<3 <3 <3 <3 <3}
More art, onegai! ^3^
Isn't it funfun?
Likelike when school ends,
you're the last one to get your stuff
because your can't get to your locker?
xD xD
Waaaaaaaaaah whyyyyyyyyyy? >w<;;
Even some of the grd nines are taller than me!
Must eat more veggies and play more DDR.
I hate lockersuu... ; 3 ;
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