Yesterday, I was at this art class and I was drawing an exacto knife because for one of the school's art assignments, we have to draw an object and shade using one of the proper pen and ink techniques. And the most interesting object I had with me at the time was an exacto knife. D: NO not homicidal or wtevr. Just carry it around because it's less frustrating than using scissors to cut things. : D;;
Mmm yeaso there's this kid (around 8yrsold) sitting behind me, and he's talking to the teacher saying things like "YEA I want to draw violence. Like war. I want war. And soldiers. And lots of bombs and guns and knives flying everywhere." And the teacher, shocked, says "I want you to go to the doctor." : D But the kid just keeps rambling on about death and blood and... eugh. Finally, the teacher says, "Isn't that a little violent? Do you want people to die?" And the kid goes, "No I don't want them to die. I just want them injured. With like knives stuck in them or something."
Whyyyyy....? Even eightyearolds nowadays... D:
Mmm but he finally settles for drawing a dragon. xDD
Anyways, later on the teacher comes over and gives me some tips on how to make the drawing look more interesting. He picks up the exacto knife and pushes that thing that makes the blade come out. And that's when the kid behind me leans over and says "oooooh a knife...."
I ended up not drawing the exacto knife. : D;;
Elle est ma vache d'etoile. :3
Front and back view of the King of the Eyesores. <3 <3 <3
FRONTVIEW : Finally! A new OC... :' D;; Went a little overboard with this one... >w<;; Random piercings and tattooes on him OHYEA. They don't make sense, I know. Lol. And I creatively (haha creatively.. yea right.) named him King of the Eyesores. Anybody know where I got that from?
Did a quick sketch of him a little while ago because this winter break is driving me madddd. Too bored. Mmm doing a character sheet for him. This is for the front view. Only have the first half of him drawn because I'm still deciding on what he should be wearing over his legses. Pants? Shorts? A skirt? NOTHING? *GASP* No, definitely not nothing. A king must be properly clothed. ; D But what I have concluded is that he will have a chain of paper crows (origami crows) hanging off his belt.
About his ears: They look like they're melting because they are. They're made out of wax. : D;;
About his bellybutton: That's a paperclip going through it. D: Hard to tell... ^^;;
About the thing stuck to his right side: That's a syringe. : D;;
BACKVIEW : Yayyyyy he has a braid. : 3 Bet you couldn't tell that from the front. <3 <3 The only thing different about his back is that he has spine holders and wing tattooes. Not very creative, ne? : D;;
Mmm regarding the thing hanging down from his belt, it's supposed to look like a scorpion's tail. I kinda fail at that, so I'm planning on changing it some time soon. : 3;;
I don't know... I don't really like it. ^^;;
He will have a chain of paper crows hanging down from his belt. I was thinking that since paper cranes are supposed to be a symbol for good luck or something, then perhaps paper crows could symbolize something along the lines of "I hope you die." : D;; King of the Eyesores is a voodoo-like doll made by a certain someone, and as you might've guessed, that someone must realllyyyy not like him... :' 3
Mon roi.... j w j Haha now I can amuse myself with this for hours. : D