My girl is amazing!

Aug 06, 2008 15:10

An anniversary is a fine time for telling the world how wonderful your partner is and, by heck, she is, she is, she is.

Wow, married to scribblemoose for fourteen years and she still suprises me!

She suggested we go up to Byland Abbey and drove me and we walked around in the soft summer rain and I felt like I was twenty again. I asked a really nice couple of ladies to take our picture and I couldn't resist telling them and I felt so proud :-)

Scribbles got me a new eternity ring. My first one wasn't quite as eternal as we anticipated, having been bought mostly for the knotwork pattern and having saved my finger from a crushing once when I was moving scenery offstage at speed!

If anyone doubts it: marriage worked for us. Everyone should have the right to the same.
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