From Tn First Lady....

Mar 24, 2009 09:12

This weekend, thousands of Nashville citizens and businesses will turn off their lights to make a bold statement about climate change as part of Earth Hour. On Saturday, March 28, at 8:30 p.m., I ask that you, your family and friends please join us to show your commitment to sustaining a healthy planet by switching off your lights for one hour ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

poetheather March 24 2009, 15:34:37 UTC
We're doing this as part of Hobbit-palooza this weekend. The meal will be had by candlelight and everything we can think of turned off. Whee!


Alas... peggy_bill March 25 2009, 23:53:02 UTC
Unfortunately, the State of Tennessee is also cutting funding to the Department of Environment and Conservation. On the one hand we are making a bold statement to conserve energy while on the other hand an even bolder statement that we don't want to pay to conserve or protect the environment.


brier August 31 2009, 20:31:01 UTC
Hii! ^^ Pardon if this seems super random but I found your profile cause I saw you're into sewing! I'm just starting out (as in I just finished my first project, yay), so I was wondering if you'd like to be LJ friends. ^.^

Not sure how you feel about random friend-age but I'm a pretty normal person ^^; Er, let me know! <3 :D


ziasummer May 1 2012, 10:00:23 UTC
Was scanning through friend's friend pages (seems a lot of my friends have been lacking in avid writing lately!) and saw you. Interested in reading more of your reading if possible. Adding you so you could look over my journal and get an idea of who I am and if you feel comfortable adding me back! :)


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