Tags are the latest, hottest thing in the blogoshpere. Just recently
technorati started using
tags, following up on the trend mainly started by
del.icio.us and
Del.icio.us, for those that haven't discovered it, is a social bookmarking tool that allows for the sharing and exploring of bookmarks in new and interesting ways. By letting their users tag bookmarks, the users of del.icio.us can explore new bookmarks with interesting tags or bookmarks from people with interesting links. The "interesting links" in the sidebar of my homepage is fed by
my del.icio.us bookmarks.
Flickr is a social photosharing service that operates by the same principles, letting users tag their pictures for easy search by other users.
Technorati's tag-service goes one step further and integrates links from del.icio.us, photos from flickr and posts in the blogosphere. They can use categories of post as tags, but this is usually pretty crude (most bloggers doesn't want too many categories on their page making the categories too coarse). The solution is specially crafted hrefs that link to the technorati tag-page. A tutorial is found
here I've followed the tutorial to join in on all the fun, and you may therefore in the future find relevant tags at the bottom of my posts (on my homepage, unfortunately not on livejournal (yet at least). Enjoy!
Arnstein's musings]
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