Questions asked by
venta1. Is you use of 'V' as a name (which I think is not limited to LJ?) at all related to V in V for Vendetta ? Even post-datedly ? Where did your LJ tag come from ?
Actually, no, not really related to V for Vendetta at all. My full name is Victoria, which I despised until I was about 19, then decided it was good professionally. I was, however, saddled with the less than appealing "Vicki", which, as Michelle Pfeiffer says in "Batman Returns", evokes thoughts of "Ice skater or Stewardess?". And anyone calling me Vic ot Tory gets a smack.
My LJ-tag was the name of the character I played in Pantheon 1, and was completely built up linguistically by me, for the character. So I kept it. :)
2. If you were found wandering, suffering from memory loss, how much of your life/persona would you be able to piece together from the contents of your pockets/bag/etc today ?
Oohhh well, I carry a small handbag and a rucksack for other things, so I reckon I'd be able to figure out who I was (I have a photo ID for the staff gym in my handbag). I'd be able to figure out where I lived, as I have correspondence in my rucksack. I don't have an engagement ring yet, so there'd probably be no inkling that I lived with/was attached to the Boy Wonder. My mobile has only a few numbers on it, most of which are numbers for people I haven't spoken to for ages, so not sure how much good that would be. I'd be able to figure out who my dentist, doctor and hairdresser were (which is odd). And I'd be able to figure out where I worked, from the gym card.
3. If you were forced to choose one thing you'd learned during your time in America, what would it be ?
This one's very hard to pick. I think one thing that sticks out is that none of the guests on Jerry Springer are actors, and I can prove it from experience. That covers a lot of sins.
4. How do you see people (eg. me) whom you now communicate with on LJ, but haven't seen for years ? Do you consider the LJ-relationship to be an extension of what was already there, or is it a separate thing ? If you have any LJ-friends whom you've never met, do you consider them differently from people who've reared up from the distant past ?
I think you're stretching the number 5 here, lol.
I see LJ people I communicate with as people I'd like to reacquaint myself with now I'm nowehere near as nutty as I was when I was at Oxford. I'm curious to catch up with people and what they do, and I realised last year that I really miss the conversations and ideas. I don't think I think of it as an extension, more of an ice breaker, especially as I think I've changed quite a lot and I'm sure you guys have too...
caffeine fairy is an LJ friend I haven't met, and is a friend of a friend. I don't consider her differently per se, but I'm aware of the lack of history.
5. Vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry ?
Depends. Vanilla for milkshake, chocolate for fudge, and strawberry for a dacquiri.
How'd I do?
If anyone wants me to wrack my brains for questions for them, please shout.