Questions from
riksowden 1- you've lived in a number of foreign places, and will one day come back to England *grin*, what is the best thing about this fair green land?
The hidden pubs of England, I think. So many to choose from, so much variety, some great decor in places. Of course, it's always hit and miss, but the traditional English pub is great. Not a dating forum, not a mad "drink as much as you can" place, just a place to sit and chat with mates for hours. And they never mind how long it takes you to finish your drink unless it's time to go home.
2- if you could live anywhere, doing anything, at any time, where is it? when is it? what is it and why?
Hmmm, I think I'd plump for Northern France, in about 1570. I'd have *loved* a chance to be a courtier, with all the intrigue, the fab dresses, and just a lack of having to actually *work* for a living. So of course, I'd be aristocracy, landed, wealthy....and widowed....
3- some folks identify with animals, do you? if so, what do you identify with, and why?
Dragons and Ravens. For reasons that are hard to explain.
4- what is the single worst thing you've done, and would you do it again in the same circumstances?
Started smoking. And no, I wouldn't.
5- dusk or dawn?
Hard choice. Dawn, I think, because if you're in the right place, it feels like you have the whole world to yourself.
I know I've said this before, but if you would like questions from me, just shout.