Title: Happy Valentine!
Type: Fanfiction & Fanart: Bleach.
Prompt: For Silver of
silverharmony; (1) gambling (2) letters (3) waterfall.
Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach, in any form or way. Kubo Tite owns them, and my secret dream is to marry him.
Rating: Um. PG15, at most. WHY CAN'T I WRITE HIGHER RATINGS?! D:
Word Count: 2,064 words. Ha ha.
Summary: In which
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Comments 16
Wonderfully sweeeet~
If you aren't, you still rock for this comment. And for having that icon. =D
I love BLEACH in AU.
And yes, Bleach in AU is unbelievably hot. =D
OMG I SO LOVE YOU RIGHT NOW IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY!!!!!!! I absolutely loved the first one and was all oh wow I'ma marry this fic and then boom, the second one comes along and I'm thinking polygamy here. I love them both so much! And the art! Oh, the art!
And even though it's not for me exactly, THANK YOU x 12378548235114!
I don't mind marrying you but I gotta warn you, I'm no good with chores. Can't even cook baked beans on my best days. You sure you can keep up with that? =D
AND AND AND YOUR COMMENT IS MADE OF AWESOME. I think I love the thugs too much to not include them once in a while. They're funny! Thank you so much for this comment!
Eh? Where'd I come from? O.o;
Aaaand I suppose we'll have to hire help then. XD
... Darn. Stop embarrassing me, memory. It's Silver, ain't it? Not you. SORRY SORRY. *is embarrassed* I'LL MAKE UP FOR THE MISHAP SOMEHOW.
We can get Kira to help. I heard he's good with housework. And Shuuhei's a freebie where Kira is concerned, yes?
But ... OMG THANKS SO MUCH!!! I LOVE ALL OF IT xDDDD Your fics made me smile and laugh and it's made of awesome creativity, given the totally uncreative prompts I listed. And your pics are sooo cute *huggles them*
Thank you, thank you, thank you ^.^ You are made of absolute win!!! ♥♥♥
Lately, I've been capslocking a lot. =D I hope you haven't been working too hard, and that you had a very nice Valentine BECAUSE YOU DESERVE IT. ♥ Your prompts are made of chocolatey love and I had hoped to write longer fics for you and draw prettier fanarts.
NO YOU R MADE OF WINSOME. *insert abuse of ♥ here*
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