
May 30, 2008 16:30

I got a lump cut out of the back of my neck today. I lay facedown on a slab thing and he injected my neck about four or five times. It wasn't as bad as I thought, but then again, I had thought beforehand that it wouldn't be as bad as I thought ( Read more... )

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arriterre May 30 2008, 21:29:53 UTC
That's very unlucky: right away, the mole guy told me it was a benign cyst. That was months ago. Now that it's gotten a little bit bigger I thought I'd take it out, benign or not, because it's a blocked gland and all that.

I don't think mine would have gone away, it was pretty big.

Don't you have to have lump clusters to have lymphoma?


katernater May 30 2008, 12:14:32 UTC
Christ, are you okay?


arriterre May 30 2008, 21:27:23 UTC
Yeah. It was a bit hard to sleep last night but it's next morning now. Not nearly as much pain as I thought. Apparently the body doesn't mind being cut into too much.


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