I have seen this:
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When I first heard about this movie from a die-hard fan early in the semester, we were trying to study for Art History in the library. (Hey, it was tangentially related; she was raving about how the art style of the cartoon is clearly Chinese, and they've cast all European-descent kids.) Anyway, I didn't care. I was worried about remembering dates for the Akkadians versus the Sumerians etc...
I watched the whole show in the past month--very good, recommend!
So now I just saw the new trailer (^), and I am torn between oooing at the animation and fear of the casting.
I mean, the actor for Zuko... his surname is Patel. Indian. THE FIRE NATION IS CLEARLY AN EVIL IMPERIAL CHINA. They even have dragons in their birth-of-the-nation myth. (At least they didn't choose the blond R&B singer for him. Props for being on the right continent.)
Aang has it worse. The kid is from Texas. Karate whiz kid, good, but... Texas? And he better be able to act.
That's their princess, and mad as a hatter she is too. Don't tell me it ain't Chinese-inspired!
.... I'm probably going to see it.
In other news... um..
I'm almost caught up with my little brother in Final Fantasy XII. On to Bur-Omisace! I don't trust Larsa. I think he must be a little player and a liar, but every time I express that opinion, Andrew doesn't say anything. Hmmmm.