friday night was homecoming and chris couldnt go but i still had a lot of fun, and he ended up coming in the end which was nice. then i spent the night at audrey's. i was soooo tired. lol.
then sat. morning aud and chris and matt and i went to ihop, we were all to tired to the night before. then audrey dropped me off at home. then later i went to chris's house and went swimming, then i went to mr. simpsons house to babysit. i love his kids, they're great.
then sun. i woke up and hung out and then i went shopping with my mom and ran erands and such. we went to harbor days that was fun, then to a store called skirt in downtown oceanside. that was a blast. then went to cindy's swimwear in carlsbad and i got a bathing suit, my dad called and he needed my mom to drive nad get him a check because he was buying a
new car. it was kinda a shocker he was getting a new car, but whatever, now i'll probably get my moms car cause she'll take the old explorer and shelsea will get my car. im stoked about that. so my mom and i went home to get the check, chris called, i met him at the krikorian area and we were gonna go to a movie but we got panera and then went swimming at his house instead. then we watched a movie and i fell asleep then i woke up and drove home.
today i woke up and chris came over and we layed in bed till like 12, then we went to the store to get paint for my room and then to in n out. it was GOOD. then we just hung out at my house all day, and now ive put off my homework for too long so i should do it.