I just came across a website
Baptists for Brownback. The things that appear on it are appalling. Here are a few examples:
"It is Barack Hussein Obama’s curse of coloredness that will prevent him from ever being elected leader of a true Christian nation, one that is founded upon Christian principle by the chosen, fair-skinned people of God."
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Comments 5
God hates liberals and liars almost as much as we do.
Lynelle Bryant
USE Ministry Leader
For a while, I thought that people like you are just caricatures some on the left create of the people on the right. Thank you for disabusing me of that notion.
Also thank you for ditching the whole "Hate the sin, not the sinner" bullshit. Although, do you think God will let you into heaven with this much hate in you heart?
See you in hell.
P.S.: I read the U.S.E. praise report. It is sickening. I think you should rename your scheme R.A.P. for Rape Acceptance Program. While the liberals you hate so much work on making this horrific crime unacceptable, you increase the chances that perpetrators go unpunished.
Don't you find it unchristian, to say nothing of being uncivilized, for us to be a first world country that has one of the highest infant morality rates? Before we bring more kids into this world, don't you think we should take care of the ones that are already here?
Time for a Vitamin H* injection perhaps?
While enumerating the things that this person's god hates, don't forget god hates shrimp.
*DFN: Vitamin H is med slang for Haldol, a powerful anti-psychotic that is very useful in dealing with acute psychotic states and delirium.
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