I suck so incredibly much at this game. Wang and other people have been displaying their scores, and, well, mine's about half of theirs, because I suck so much at this game. I hate how far in advance you have to jump over the crows in order to clear them. (My record is 49 seconds and 66 milliseconds).
Today was pretty ...light. As usual. I'm starting to fall into a pit of nothingness, as I am having difficulty completing what pitifully little homework I'm assigned on time... it's really quite pathetic; I was able to manage incredibly taxing schedules and activities, nights where I would have 40 pages of outlining, 100 pages to read for English, DBQs that could be on anything we'd covered all year in history, impossible chem/bio/physics/calc tests, on top of maybe 4 hours spent at pit orchestra... etc, while I'm now having trouble handling five-page short stories. And job applications, I really ought to fill those out soon... argh.
I wasted so much time today: During Euro, Morgan and I went to the library to decide our topic. First we tried the "MASH method" of listing every country and time period and choosing by elimination. This didn't work too well, though: we got either Belgium in the 16th century (not enough information) or Austria-Hungary in the 19th century (god no... I hated that so much). So eventually we narrowed it down to "ancient times" and went with the Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Normans, Picts, Celts, etc (Germanic and Celtic tribes in Britain). This brought us to the end of the period. During Windows, we did stuff, and I don't remember much of it, other than that Mr. Madden slammed a board on the desk and immediately after Laura walked in, confused. At lunch I worked on the newspaper articles that were due two weeks ago (oops) and then we watched Finding Nemo in Calc and I talked to the substitute, who lives up the street from me and whose daughter used to baby-sit Lynn and me when we were little. I started drawing a disturbed children's book. It's ...amusing, I think at least. Then during band I got to miss 20 minutes or so while this really confused woman took pictures of the people in regions, area band, all-state, etc. Then I went to the Indian Buffet, ate a lot of na'an (I think I spelled that right) bread and came home and fell asleep...
...and I've been wasting time ever since.
[edit the first]
Panel one of my very incomplete children's book (I think I'm going to do the entire thing in green and purple; I only had a green crayon and a purple pencil when I started it during calc)
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The first of ...many posts of pictures of things that happened a while ago. Most recently (only a week and a half ago; this isn't too late): layout pictures.
Meredith trying to hide behind the computer (with attempted artistic effect):
We went to take pictures for the "faux Onion" centerfold in the auxiliary gym (theme: "Gym warmups getting ridiculous"). Captions are above and below pictures; deal with it.
Conga lines are h0tt, yo.
Kirill is the missing link...
Running around...
...with cones...
Kirill's, um, a horny bastard (he kept trying to get into Sandra's, um, skirt):
...enough said (I don't think he was drunk, though he sure was acting like it):
This is quite possibly one of my favorite pictures ever (we filched a garbage can as well):
I love Sandra's facial expression.
Don't piss the editor-in-chief off or she'll push you around:
Sandra's turn!
This has to be illegal somewhere.
Later on, we "hacked" the TVs...