Yuletide Letter

Oct 08, 2016 21:23

Dear Yule Author:

Thanks for taking this challenge and writing me something, you're clearly a superstar. I'll be honest: I do this challenge for the writing, not so much for the receiving, so, seriously, whatever takes your fancy is fine. Below is a list of stuff I really like, stuff I ask that you avoid becasue they are either triggers or squicks for me, and some interests I have in each fandom individually. Although I do ask that you pay attention to the "please avoid" list, other than that, honestly, go hog wild. It's whatever you want. This is just in case you DO want some guidance. (I generally do.)

As a side note, I love gen, het, slash, poly, whatever, so feel free to do whatever you wish in terms of that area.

Things I love:

found family
learning to be loved
pretending not to be sick/injured and then being found out
women being awesome
character development


character death
partner betrayal


scat/roman showers
character bashing


1. Zero Dark Thirty -- what really stuck with me from this movie (because I basically do movies wrong, but whatever) was how isolated Maya was, and how that really just got worse after it was all over, that there was nobody she could sit down and talk with, nobody to go home to, nothing. And while she's clearly a loner, she just as clearly craves human connection, it's obvious in the VERY least in her relationship with Jessica. Given this, what I'd love is her finding some connection after it's all over. It can be with one of the SEALs, it can be with an original character, it can be with whomever, just something to tether her, and allow her to acclimate to life post-operation.

2. Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy -- Mara Jade is one of my favorite fictional characters of all time, ever. (Yes, the Jade in my handle is a reference. And I've had this handle since 1998. Just saying.) I couldn't care less what you do with her, as long as it delves into her character, her struggle, her past, what she wants, what she doesn't want, what she feels, WHATEVER. I just want more about her.

3. Jessica Jones -- I liked a LOT of things about this series, but easily the number one thing was the relationship between Jessica and Patricia. I loved how central it was, how it allowd Jessica strength in the times when she really needed it, how it was the one thing that never really wavered for her. I will honestly take ANYTHING about these two. A story from when they are kids and still under the thumb of Patricia's mom, a story that happens after the end of S1, something in between those two things, I just want the connection between these girls explored, because it's one of the very very few times I've ever seen a relationship like this between women and, not only that, it's been front and center.

yuletide letter

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