Title: Just One Week
arsinen Pairing: GTOP
Rating: PG
Genre: sort of angsty? but not really.
Disclaimer: Yeah obviously the boys belong to themselves and each other and the BIG BANG name belongs to YG Ent.
Note: This I wrote as a sort spur of the moment although technically the idea has been in my head for a while and me writing it has nothing to do
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Comments 11
Wonderful piece.. Thank you, write more please.. Hha
And I do believe there will be a sequel to this in a sense. 8)
I find it interesting that when people first saw Ji with the new hair (or lack of it) they automatically thought 'military service' I on the other said he should have done a fade. And then thought could he be trying to go semi-gangster? Going back to his hiphop roots? 8P
And, no, I did not think of military service when I saw his hair. The first thing that went through my mind was "TOP's hair's back to the Lies era!!!!!"-->yeah, I thought he was Seunghyun. And here I was saying that Kwon Jiyong was the love of my life, when I can't even recognize him, hahahh
He looks so hot anyways in that hair. And I can't wait for the sequel, ;)
Yeah My GTOP heart is demanding that I bring Hyunnie back from the military to live happily ever after with Ji. 8) So I'll give them that ending.
Thank you for this, it was a real pleasure to read this and gave a little glimpse into how I think we all feel when things like this come around.
I have family and friends in the military as well. I guess I channeled my feelings into this when I would find they signed up or they were about to leave to do they're tours either in Iraq or Afghanistan.
I'm glad you liked this and that it was realistic to you. 8)
sooo sweett~~ and sad at the same time..hmm...I hope both of them can still hold their love for each other within the 2 years time..
will you be making a sequel *pleasesayYESpleasesayYES* I wanna know what happen when SeungHyun and YoungBae discharge from the army..-puppy eyes- pretty pweaseeee...!!
Thank you for reading sweetheart.
lol i thought i was going to read something about soldier kwon but this was better <3333
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