Not a happy day.

Feb 05, 2010 17:08


This morning, my dad called to tell me that Mittens died yesterday. He couldn't find her when he was feeding the cats last night, so he went looking around the house for her. When he found her, I guess she'd been dead for several hours already. It doesn't seem quite real to me. She's just ... dead. With Opal and Luna and Cerri, I was there with them when they died. I held them, and stroked them, and watched them slip away. I haven't even seen Mittens's body. I probably won't be there to bury her. I'll come home and she simply won't be there--like she's in some other part of the house, or outside, and I'm just not seeing her. I wish I'd said goodbye to her before I left, but I didn't even think about it.

A week from Sunday is the day Cerri died. And I've mostly gotten over losing her, but right now it doesn't feel like it.

I was debating whether or not to go to aikido this evening, since I'm exhausted (both from excercise and lack of sleep) and there's a seminar tomorrow morning that I'd like to be sort of awake for. On the other hand, I don't have anything to do tonight but sleep and mope. But it looks like I'm not going, which means that I can't back out of the seminar tomorrow without feeling majorly lame. So.

life, cats, friends, hampshire

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