Well, that worked out well: After spending the better part of 2 hours preparing breakfast this afternoon, I promptly proceeded to trip and drop most of it on the floor. I guess the floor did need mopping.
In other news, we have a stove again! With an oven and everything!
This has been accumulating on my computer for the past week or so:
Wednesday (August 11)
Becca and I finally got our learners permits today. And it only took all summer.
We ran into
discordantcat and her father and sister at the RMV, and abducted her for the rest of the evening. <3
Saturday (August 14)
Neal Caffrey, Peter Burke and handcuffs. Yes?
Also, Becca makes an amazing Ritsuka.
Sunday (August 15)
Attempted to throw a surprise-ish "Welcome Home" party for discordantcat, but it sort of failed. D:
However, akitotsubaki asked my sister out (in Japanese, of course), and based on my sister's ear-to-ear grin, I'm thinking it wasn't all bad.