I finally took a photo of that painting.. it used to be my grandmother's in Wisconsin. I remember sitting on her bed when i was little, staring at it and thinking that i wanted it so bad..dont ask i dont know why. Then when we moved her into an assistant living she let me have it. Last weekend we had a garage sale and my mom put up for sale with out telling me..but i got it back before someone could have bought it. i kinda doubt someone would buy it cause it looks creepy.
I got my permit on friday...i know.. i could have gotten it a long time ago but im doing the home teaching thing and i wasnt in the country for half of the last summer...so if anyone sees me in a crap gold saturn..wave and laugh.
jesus i just went over to my neighbor's house to feed their animals while they were gone (which is my brother's job..but he forgot and left earlier) and i found out that there was a hamster missing from one of the cages. I called him and he said that he forgot to tell us that it ran away because he ally left the cage door open and he thinks the dogs got it. We snuck in their house to look around if the hampster..but no luck. i feel horrible even though its not my fault. i remember loosing my hamster, Paco, the day before i got back from Peru.