So this weekend seems to have flown by. Friday I spent some time with Wes after classes. Went went to Ryan's recital which the concept was pretty cool, but not pulled off in the way I expected. He set up his recital in the Black Box and had four huge projector screens set up making a box that you were surrounded by the video images, and then he had taped off a red box on the floor of the room and had a camera basically strapped to a beam in the ceiling. This camera was set up for light detection and I think that a motion detector was all set up too. So the end result was that the music was pre-recorded but the audience was the performers. It was all interactive and when people inside the red box moved around the video and music changed. It was quite a feet and I'm surprised he pulled it off to some extent. I just wish he had worked on his music a bit better... I love his music but he spent more time with this concept and putting it together than the music. I'll miss him next year... we need to find a substitue redhead to come walking around the music building, eating chinese food and getting into arguements in a joking way with all of the teachers. I'm sad that some of the people I came in with are already graduating... Ryan, Jonathan, Angela and Josh(well he came before me, but I'll still miss him) I'll be here for another two years.
After the recital I went to see "Thank you for Smoking" it was freakin hilarious. I suggest it to everyone, especially Matt. Oh and the main character's kid in that movie, Cameron Bright, was also the kid that played the young Orlin on Stargate SG-1. I had just watched that episode earlier in the week and as soon as I saw him I was jumping in my seat saying it was Orlin... But yeah the movie was awesome. After that head over to Jason's and had an anime night with him and his friend Chris. Watched GTO and Berserk. We're not even halfway through both of the series and we're trying to finish them before I leave for home...
Saturday was really boring. I waited at home to see if Wes would finish his 20 page paper. I got a call from my dad that I was officially going to get sued, or at least the guy's lawyer has been looking into filing a suit against me(or probably my father because he was the title holder of my truck at the time). I hate this, I don't want someone pestering me about an accident from over two years ago, I thought the statue was one maybe two years after the accident but apparently not because it's two years and two months after it happened. They call it an accident for a reason, why do you have to sue someone when they accidentally hit you, their insurance pays for you minor medical bills and to replace your car because they totalled yours. Other wise on Saturday I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen and started on the mass amounts of laundry I have to do. And Wes emailed me around 7pm and told me he was only on page 7. I was so pissed off because I had tried to make plans with him. grrr... well he finally came over around 8 and we watched a little tv and then there was a knock on the door and it was Mike Gissy, come to steal our patio chairs. Well I asked why and he said that the guys' house was having a fire in the backyard. Well since I heard about the infamous last fire they had(They poured paint-thinner on the fire and the flames reached the second window of their house and scorched our backyard as well) I went to supervise. I couldn't tell if I pissed off Wes because he wanted to watch Thunder on tv. Well it turned out really well and we told stories and jokes the entire time (Dan, Chris Gissy Wes, and I) and the only flammable thing besides wood that went on that fire was the dried out cigars Chris had bought earlier that day(he got pissed because they weren't exactly cheap) and since there are so many chemicals and carcinogens in cigars it burned a bright blue, maybe even cerulean blue color flames... cool. We had a blast and we did even need alcohol to have that good of a time on Thunder.
Today I woke up and went to St. Patrick's to sing with the choir for the 11am mass. Went to Wes' parent's house for lunch since it was basically down the road and stayed there till midafternoon. Went to the house to change and Jen and Nina are there packing up the rest of their stuff. Interesting. Went to Chapel and then off to Tara's recital where she performed beautifully. Good food afterward too. I also had a good conversation with AT and then Tara's daughter Chase was so adorable trying to get attention from everyone :) Ended up talking to Wes for an hour in the parking lot and then got home and the Krissy had already moved in. I was basically told that this girl(who is a friend of Wes and I'm aquaintenced with) was going to be moving in the house with me because she's having issues with her room mate at the moment. So I have a haouse mate now and I'm not alone. I think it will be nice having her here for th last three weeks after last weeks entire time alone in the house. We shall see. I have to go to bed soon. I'm really tired but I had to post something.