Except for me! You don't talk to me in real life much at all, you jerk. ^_~ Plus, you and I need to get together to hang out sometime, so you can meet the boy and I can meet the girl.
Man, you sound like me when I grow up, with art and piano and ROM Hacking and all that. (You should probally play Arn's Winter Quest sometime.)
Drifting along is fun, yeah, but if you ever really feel pointless, set little goals for yourself, like writing a little kid's book or something weird like that.
Man, I wanna play AWQ, too. I gotta get offa my butt and do that. You might also be my man to go to for figuring out how to make patches too -- at the least, I want to get a patch out there for correcting all the spelling mistakes in LA DX. I hope I can somehow manage to hack it so heart containers are optional, too, as well as make a hard-type version where no enemies drop hearts or something. :O
Yeek, I have a test in my hardest class the Tues. after that weekend. D: I'll probably not feel good about it unless I spend most of the weekend studying, but perhaps I can attempt to shy away for that, we'll see how much work I've in the others classes by then.
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Hay, by the by: if I don't see/talk to you in the next 2 days, happy birth-lumbus day!
I think I'll be home the last weekend in October, though. Plans?
Drifting along is fun, yeah, but if you ever really feel pointless, set little goals for yourself, like writing a little kid's book or something weird like that.
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