Thanks. Did you get the mention to yourself in that long mess?
I am hanging in there. I always have and always will. I'm not afraid of change and I'm not too proud to admit I'm not currently "fine". Eventually everything will change and go back to something, worthwhile. Difficult? Sure but I don't make decisions b/c they are easy, I make them b/c they are right. In the end I'd rather have my morals and ideals in tact then fold for those who do not.
I've come to learn that people are only in your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. To teach you or you teach them a lesson of sorts. If I were closer...I'd hug ya.
I'm familiar with the reason season lifetime phenomenon. I agree. Thanks for the long distance hug! I'm actually doing ok day by day...started hanging with some new people etc. Those "Friends" will likely stay more of acquaintances then anything. I'm just in a different mindset and different place in my life where I can't deal with the high school crap anymore. It'll be ok. Plus I realized in the last week talking to a bunch of folks....some have it waaaaaaaaay worse then me. Helps put everything into perspective ya know?
perspective ...twygstaNovember 11 2008, 00:21:21 UTC
I'm going to be 35 this year. I'm still avoiding people my age who are stuck creating HS crap. I guess it's a mindset that not everyone gets to see outside of or grow out of for that matter.
Comments 5
Did you get the mention to yourself in that long mess?
I am hanging in there. I always have and always will. I'm not afraid of change and I'm not too proud to admit I'm not currently "fine". Eventually everything will change and go back to something, worthwhile. Difficult? Sure but I don't make decisions b/c they are easy, I make them b/c they are right. In the end I'd rather have my morals and ideals in tact then fold for those who do not.
Thanks for the long distance hug! I'm actually doing ok day by day...started hanging with some new people etc. Those "Friends" will likely stay more of acquaintances then anything. I'm just in a different mindset and different place in my life where I can't deal with the high school crap anymore. It'll be ok. Plus I realized in the last week talking to a bunch of folks....some have it waaaaaaaaay worse then me. Helps put everything into perspective ya know?
People are such interesting creatures...
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