Title: Little by Little
Fandon: Natsume Yuujinchou
Pairing: (one-sided) Natori x Natsume, Tanuma x Natume
Rating: a very gentle 18+
A/N: The title of this story is from the opening song to the first season, "Issei no Sei." This story somewhat interprets those lyrics as being spoken by Tanuma to Natsume.
Summary: Natsume visits a hot spring
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Comments 14
I missed you~ Take care~
You know I haven;t written anything in ages. I kinda miss it but I can;t think of anything. I am glad you are still around. :)
And I am extremely happy that I found a kinda soulmate~ cos most of our fav pairings are the same~ <3 <3 <3
And thanks~ Ichi/Ishi are my main pairing at the moment~ Bleach~ Have you read the latest manga chapters???? Renji and Byakuya look sooo hott!!!!
Well it seems from the anime that Nyanko-sensei definitely prefers Tanuma to Natori; he hates when Natori flirts with Natsume *lol* But the one time Natsume blushed around Tanuma, Nyanko-sensei just smiled ^^
And Touko I think is surprised Natsume has a boyfriend instead of a girlfriend, but she doesn't mind b/c it seems innocent and Tanuma seems like a good boy...
Even though I support IchiRuki, I still love IchiIshi!!!! They are so cute together <3 And yeah I saw the latest manga chapter!!!! <3 <3 <3 FINALLY MY BOYS TOGETHER IN THE SAME PANEL!! hahaha
Great job though, keep it up.
Thanks for reading!
You've got a good grasp of the characters and the different dynamics between them. I found your take on Natori/Natsume especially interesting; I wouldn't have imagined things playing out like that on my own, but you wrote it so convincingly that I now find the scenario believable. Hell, if the manga weren't so strictly non-romantic, I could see it actually happening in canon. Natori obliviously taking advantage, Natsume being inexperienced and ambivalent towards him, Tanuma being there to pick up the pieces as the best-friend-becoming-something-more...to me, it just fits with all we've seen of these three ( ... )
I have since noticed some errors, though, and hope they didn't interfere with your reading too badly ;_; Touko-san for instance should call Natsume "Takashi-kun" but for some odd reason I had her call him by his last name!! Ah it's things like this that make me so embarrassed LOL
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