Gossip Girl 3x12 review

Dec 08, 2009 14:26

Gossip Girl 3x12

I watched live yesterday. And then I just rewatched right now, and wrote commentary.

The teaser. Trip’s already saying I love you? WTF. I don’t get it.

Breakfast. “By the way, I take my breakfast in bed.” Chuck Bass to Dorota in 2x12. Blair KNOWS he likes breakfast in bed. That’s why she was giving it to him! *SQUEAL*

Lily looks really beautiful. Rufus is annoyed by her looking through the closet. Again.

“I had a feeling you might say that.” OH THANK THE LORD. Rufus was called out on doing NOTHING. It’s been pissing me off. It was so nice to hear Lily call him out.

Barney Frank. I won’t pretend to know who he is, but I have a hard time believing Serena knows more about politics than I do. Please. But she makes an adorable pouty face.

I love B’s speech about the homeless shelter. And then Chuck sends her away.

MY LOVE! BART BASS! :thud: I missed him. So much. Even if he’s a figment of Chuck’s imagination. MY LOVE!


I don’t get what Jenny’s wearing on her head. Make it stop.

“Lily BASS’ daughter.” :evil_lol: They all still call her Lily BASS. It always makes me happy!

The colors are ANNOYING.

I do love the Eric scene.

Dan/Nate. I’m doing so much better with than now. I love that Nate called Paul a douche. :nod: Yeah. Because he was so MEAN to Blair. I’m in total agreement with Nate.

Vanessa and Willa come into the coffee shop. There’s a … WRITERS’ RETREAT. OMG, I kinda really want to go to a writers’ retreat. Does that make me look like a dork? (I’m a writer, can’t you tell?)

Nate’s face when Dan says no is PRICELESS. I love you, Nate Archibald. And the way he says Willa’s “so cute.” I don’t know why, but that had me cracking up.

BTW, I totally called the Willa/Dan thing. 3x10 I thought they would actually do W/D and yet they pulled the V/P thing.

I love Nate’s “You’re welcome.” Oh, he’s so proud of himself.

Co-op. Rufus is NOT a trophy husband. I know. He’s not. He’s a trophy wife.

ST phone call. He says he’s with Grandfather. And he also says “you’re there for me a hundred percent.” … Which is why he’s meeting his wife. *blinks*

And I think I’ve fallen for Maureen. I approve of her. Now I just feel bad for her. Women like Blair and Maureen should not be with Vanderbilts. This is a fact.

BART. I am in love with Bart Bass’ expressions and words. Also, Bart not caring about the people totally gives me a 2x10 flashback of Bart mentioning the fire and that’s how he got insurance money (and someone died). (Which, btw, makes me want to kill Dan Humphrey. But that’s like a season ago..I’m much better now that DV is gonna happen.)

Umm..This season is Serena trying to find herself. And some people have compared it to last season and Chuck. But this season has proven that you cannot compare the two. Serena’s way is…being stupid. Chuck is still trying to find himself.

“You’ve been a disappointment.” That’s why “Bart” said. Bart is a figment of Chuck’s imagination. Basically, it’s Chuck’s subconscious. And he views himself as a disappointment; believing that he isn’t living up to his father’s legacy.

“I love you, too.” Oh man, the line delivery is so amazing. I love this man.

But wow. Chuck’s grip on the class and then he slams it down. I was waiting for him to break the thing. And I’m still waiting for Chuck to throw a glass. Alas, he only slams the door.

SN are on the phone.

“I’ve been thinking about you.” Oh, Natie. The question is: when aren’t you thinking about Sleeping Beauty? And he may be heartbroken, but it’ll never stop him from talking to her. It’s how they are.

“I prefer Fitzgerald to Hemingway.” Umm…blonde say what? No one believes she’s read either of them.

“Yeah, I’ve never read either.” Oh, at least Nate admits it. Good boy.

I love that Nate knows EXACTLY the book; where it is; and what is looks like.

“Oh, and the location of your secret, boyhood pot stash.” GOLD. I love the pot references this season. Makes me so happy. It was neglected in high school. (Well, for Nate, not for Chuck. Although I always saw Nate as the one who gets high more…so that was nice.)

The moment S says that Trip’s with Grandfather, Nate’s face..he already knows it’s a lie.

And Serena’s “like a lighter?” joke is awesome. I giggle with her. Hehe

Maureen comes. “Screwed, I think they call it.” BURN. I love it. I think she’s been properly trained in the Blair Waldorf School for Bitches. (She graduated. Jenny got kicked out.)

I love that Maureen calls Lily a “Cheating whore.” Yes, ma’am. (Oh, flashbacks to 2x13 and Chuck calling her a whore.)

“Knowing Lily, we can assume the worst.” Truer words haven’t been spoken. :nod: I mean, a year ago today, the woman was with Rufus and telling him she was going to leave her husband. Oh, Lily. You never change.

Blair/Chuck. “I had too much to drink.” God, he’s such a mess. The slow movements are so killer.

I’m so glad to see Blair not used as comedic relief. EL are the best. It’s so nice they got to be used this episode. USE THEM MORE!

“Blair never banished a girl for getting a gift.” Oh so true. Because Blair is a TRUE Queen.

But oh look! Jenny has more bags. Gag me. And Eric knows she’s not getting the money from Lily. Because duh, Lily’s the one who pays for everything. Humphreys have NO MONEY.

Blair/Lily! Oh, I love their scenes. And Lily is SO SURPRISED. This, alas, is not shocking that she doesn’t remember.

B says that Chuck’s never been to his mother’s grave. And calls her Evelyn. Screw that. I’m still calling her Misty. I don’t care that it’s officially canon.

“Said it was morbid for a child to visit a cemetery.” That’s just because Bart CARES. He isn’t the only one with this opinion.

“Lily! Are you listening?” You NEVER ignore Blair Waldorf. Silly woman. (I love how Blair says these things. She really really doesn’t like it when you don’t listen to her.)

Lily says she’ll go talk to Charles. I swear I thought this would be an off-screen scene.

And Rufus comes in. Bull. Oh yes, Lily cares. That’s why she’s been so crazy.

SN talk again and Nate tells S that Grandfather is in Bermuda. (Because he called his Mommy and Anne told him so!)

Willa/Dan. I have nothing to say. *raises eyebrow*

“HELLO CHARLES.” MY LC SCENE! I get CBart and LC in the same episode. I totally had a heart attack. I LOVE IT!

Lily wants to go to the cemetery with Chuck. “We need each other.” Awww

And then S calls Lily and Lily leaves to “attend to the living.” Is that her excuse in 2x13, too. Who needs to bury the husband when you can run off with your mistress! This is Lily’s philosophy.

“Maybe do this for the both of us.” OMG. I get why Chuck can’t go. But what’s your excuse, bitch?

I love the yellow roses comment and the throwing out the flowers. :love:

ST. “I want to be with you more than anything.” BULLSHIT. If this is true, he would have called 911 first, not Maureen. He wouldn’t have moved Serena and fled the scene of an accident. He obviously does NOT love her.

Nate is at the scene. And he’s angry. I love the angry voice mail.

W/D. Dan gets a call. Saved by the car accident!

He knows on B’s door! (There’s the BD scene!) And Vanessa is there and she goes with them and B calls Chuck.

Chuck spazzes out in the limo. Yelling at himself and Arthur thinks the boy’s gone crazy. “And stop looking at me.” LMAO. I love that.

NT talk. Maureen is there and says that Grandfather has Trip’s back.

That punch. I have been waiting for that since 3x10 and the almost!kiss at the bar that Trip interrupted.

LS. Lily hasn’t told him.

BS. Oh girls. “Nice outfit.” “You too.” Blair loves her so much that she went in her pajamas. Blair is definitely the better friend. I love her. And “You were so right about this one.” Blair’s crying and not even saying I told you so. I love her.

Surprising NO ONE: I cried. Yesterday while watching live and right now on rewatch as I write the review.

He walked into the hospital and I was bawling. The flashback and the BC convo.

This is what we love. This has been what’s lacking on the show. Blair is NOT a comic relief character. NO matter how good at comedy Leighton is, drama is her forte. Those words to Chuck..the entire scene is just so THEM. It’s breath taking. And the only good thing to come out of the ST storyline. (Okay, one of two - SN.)

Chuck’s stumble on the ground and Blair helping him out. God, I am a puddle of goo. Ed Westwick is forever the best actor on the entire CW Network.

Jenny and Eric. I am so confused. I don’t get the point. There was nothing to go. Can Eric PLEASE have scenes with other people.

I mean, I was so glad to see a Serena/Eric scene. Eric cares so much about the well-being of his sister. And of course in the flashback. Lily cared enough to be a grieving wife. So glad Eric was able to support his family.

*crickets chirp*

Yeah, I don’t understand it either. OH! Chuck did ask if Eric was in the hospital. Is that the closest to a CE we’ll get?

Maureen gives Rufus the letter out of the goodness of her heart. She doesn’t want others to suffer like her.

DV! I love the way he looks at her. And he just goes out and says it. “I love you.” “I love you too.” But bad timing. It makes me think about 1x13 and Dan’s ILY to Serena after the GG pregnancy blast. He needs to work on his ILY timings.

Vanessa goes to check on S. I’m glad for that, but sadly, off screen.

Lily and the kids are home. Lily sees the letter.

“I think I might need some advice.” Right. I feel like the 3x08 bar scene and ST’s beginning. *yawn* And Holland (?) looks way too happy and flirty. Oh boy.

Jenny sneaks out.

Serena wakes up and seeing Nate sleeping. aww

Jenny and Damien. She’s getting money from dealing. She wants to go to the table alone. Oh, she’s a big girl now!

Chuck’s got his yellow roses. But someone is already there! Woman crying. Says “Charles.” Who is it? I’m going to ignore this possible MOMMY storyline since I hate this idea and I think it’s an utter COP OUT. It does not fit.

episode review, fandom: gossip girl

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