Heads up -- since I am apparently part of the percentage that cannot post or reply to comments with the new comment system, I am moving everything and crossposting from Dreamwidth for the time being
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I do very much like that as well - mostly, I'm tired of posting my fics multiple places. I don't seem to get much traffic on AO3 though, or at least not a lot of feedback. Have you found that too?
I first made up my account there in like... what 09? When DM first came out? So my stuff is uploaded there, at least, but I haven't found much of an active community um... anywhere. The thing is I'm just so flaky with fandom right now that I don't know what's going on, because it doesn't seem like there's a Place where Stuff is going Posted, if that makes sense.
I've made two accounts and each time I sat there staring at it thinking, "Okay, what do I do?" I never log on because I don't remember either username or password and because I really, really don't know what I'm supposed to be doing on there that I'm not already doing on Twitter or Facebook.
I don't spend much time on Dreamwidth, but I'll go ahead and friend you over there...as far as posting goes, personally I'd vote for AO3 and links, if that helps you any?
Regardless, good luck wherever you go, and I hope it works out better than LJ is.
I think I'm going to start focusing on posting links from archives, at least if I ever finish another fic. We'll have to see how people take it - I know a lot of people are lazy and aren't willing to do a lot of work to get to a fic. (This probably includes me. I'm really fucking lazy.)
Comments 28
(I will admit that I've been most interested in your actual life for a while now, cause you're awesome.)
Regardless, good luck wherever you go, and I hope it works out better than LJ is.
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