Title: Bid Me Hold My Peace Series: Fullmetal Alchemist Theme no.: 52. speechless with the memory of a drowned moon. Pairing: Ed/Winry Rating: K Summary: Ed’s no poet, and he’s even worse at complimenting Winry. Notes: Written for
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Oh gosh. So excellent! I love how the point is that Ed is not poetic, that he is so clumsy with things like that - and the sense that life is so very normal - and yet in the end, it is both poetic and extraordinary.
Thank you! *beams* Like I said, I had originally started the story with a different ending in mind, and then it went off in its own direction once Al left to get the snowcones, and the next thing I knew I sat back and went "Wait... that makes sense. Let's keep it!" Oh Ed. He's so close! Someday, he'll get it right.
Comments 22
I love this. I love fall festivals and this just...tickles me to bits. *luv luv luv*
(Poor Ed. He really does have the soul of a romantic. Just not the voice.)
I'd have to say the challenge. I can't come up with any other reason.
(Poor Ed. He really does have the soul of a romantic. Just not the voice.)
*grsnkr* The immediate thought that ran through my head was, "Yeah, he keeps that in a jar, on his suitcase."
Ed, you fool. You poor, dumb fool.
But you know, it's fun to watch him squirm. Excellent, as always. :)
But I'm glad you liked it! I enjoy making Ed squirm.
You deserve awards for the lines you give Al. But c'mon, Ed, get it together!
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