Title: Stepping Forward
Series: Fullmetal Alchemist
Theme no.: 47. Bitterness doesn’t stand a chance with those two.
Pairing: Ed, Winry, Al (Gen, my goodness!)
Rating: K+
Summary: Sometimes Ed can only watch them and wonder how they can look at him without fear in their eyes.
Notes: Second of a three part update for
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Comments 15
Screw waiting for him to grow out of it. Sometimes I want to just beat the angst out of the boy.
Still, very bittersweet. I love that haunting guilt that runs through this, intertwining with the sweet, homey feeling. It's such a great blend. Much much love.
And now I want cinnamon rolls *frown*.
SO HEY HOWS DIVERGENCE GOING? LOL. 'Tis a familiar feeling of frustration. I can only imagine how Al and Winry deal with it - I actually kinda want to write another one from Al's POV, just because it's not entirely Ed's sin, honestly, even if he blames himself.
GOD CINNAMON ROLLS SO GOOD. This was actually another little piece from my original entry to the fireandice fic that I scrapped like my previous update with Ed in the snow.
Re: Div - *snort* He's getting slowly better. I think my threatening to hit him with a train is getting through his thick skull.
Much love, and by all means do one from Al's POV! He's GOT to have his own turn at the angsting chair. I personally want to write one where Ed and Al have a long loud argument about whose fault it is, and Winry walks in and smacks the hell out of them both for being idiots.
Hm.... *runs off*
In all honesty, I struggle with these kind of character sketch fics. Most of what I tend to write - most of my ideas are along the lines of, "HEY, Wouldn't it be funny if *blank* happened to *blank*?" But I really WOULD like to attempt something more Al centric. We'll have to see what occurs to me.
I could also see Al's preoccupation with tastes and sensations become an obsession -- and that's where he needs to heal and find balance.
So they all have their particular needs, healing-wise. This was just a glimpse at Ed's.
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