Title: The Gold Hind Series: Fullmetal Alchemist Theme no.: 39. Take aim like Artemis Characters: Ed/Winry Rating: K Summary: Ed learns the value of knocking before he enters a room. Notes: First of three updates for
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So you decided to do the greek mythology with FMA characters thing you mentioned before? That's awesome. I haven't read your other updates yet, but I think this one will be my favorite anyway.
Close but not exactly - this popped into my head once I saw the prompt, but I doubt that I'll do another one. Of course, I'm probably just saying that and will come up with something else a couple weeks from now...
But I'm glad you liked it - I completely adored Artemis when I took Latin class (I have NO IDEA why this is) so when juxtaposie suggested the title I think I squealed for joy.
I like it. But, I mean, it's just like with the rest of FMA. If they were doing a serious part, a wrench to the head like that could KILL a man. But if it's Winry, it's just a bucket of lulz.
LOVE. Haha. I love the gradual addition of raunchiness into your fics. Yaaay raunchiness.
I love the setup here, too. Huntress Winry! I like that Ed doesn't get turned to a stag and devoured by hounds. It's a nice touch.
P.S. I meant to respond to the last fic of your last triple post...but somehow never got to it. Many apologies! Let me just say that it made my day better.
I love the gradual addition of raunchiness into your fics.
TRUE FACT: I actually wrote the raunchier ones a while ago, back in like July, but didn't want to creep everyone out right out of the gate, so I built up to them. (And there may be one or two more coming...)
I'm glad you liked it! Winry doesn't need to turn Ed into a stag. She can maul him herself.
Comments 31
But I'm glad you liked it - I completely adored Artemis when I took Latin class (I have NO IDEA why this is) so when juxtaposie suggested the title I think I squealed for joy.
Much, much love. I love the retelling of the Artemis myth, and Winry really is rather merciful.
Winry is rather merciful because she honestly doesn't mind THAT much...
Once again, awesome job!
I love the setup here, too. Huntress Winry! I like that Ed doesn't get turned to a stag and devoured by hounds. It's a nice touch.
P.S. I meant to respond to the last fic of your last triple post...but somehow never got to it. Many apologies! Let me just say that it made my day better.
TRUE FACT: I actually wrote the raunchier ones a while ago, back in like July, but didn't want to creep everyone out right out of the gate, so I built up to them. (And there may be one or two more coming...)
I'm glad you liked it! Winry doesn't need to turn Ed into a stag. She can maul him herself.
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