Title: Breaking Through Series: Fullmetal Alchemist Theme no.: 14. An aspiring villain from the start Characters: Ed/Winry Rating: K Summary: Ed hated him the instant he laid eyes upon him. Notes: Third of three updates for
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Oh, I LOVE the last bit here! I understand Winry, because I was in a similar situation recently. Life lesson- boys do NOT come visit you if they aren't interested in a date. Ed's reactions to him are great, and I like Ben's character. He is not an annoying OC, but he's not getting Winry, no way. This is SO CUTE!!! Very believable, as well. Good job.
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*wipes away tears of laughter* Oh Winry Winry Winry. So naive. Though I bet Ed feels good to be right for once. *grin*
This is another that gets added to memories. Great stuff.
And god, you're making me blush over here. Thank you for the compliments!
This is so full of amazing in-character humoury goodness that I'm laughing incoherently at my computer screen. Again.
You and your stories and made of undeniable win.
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