Title: Protect and Preserve
Series: Fullmetal Alchemist
Theme no.: 51. Why are men such fools they will not realize/the wisdom that is hidden behind those strange eyes?/And these wonderful people are you and I.
Pairing: Al, Ed/Winry
Rating: K
Summary: Ed is slow and Winry has a short temper, but Al will take care of them.
Notes: Third of three updates
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Comments 22
I do love this one (new reader of yours, btw), and I especially enjoy how you write Al's character. Very IC, but very adorable~
I'm just wondering...what did Ed say/do that made him mess up? ;D
To be honest? I'm not sure exactly what Ed said. Winry was quickly placated though, so I imagine it wasn't too bad.
But I seriously love how Al knows not only when to leave (or be asked to leave), but he also knows not to come back until they start fighting. Once he finishes fixing up Ed and Winry and Roy and Riza, that boy's going to break a lot of hearts. :)
Just think of Al's education in How Not to Woo a Girl. He's learned much from Ed, who would be less than pleased to find that out.
And holy crap is Al going to be a heartbreaker. He's already broken my heart. Boy seriously needs to return to his body and get through puberty, stat.
And I love Al here! He's so wise and cute and adorable and BRILLIANT!
I'm so glad I checked LJ this morning. I'm going to go off to work all smilie, happy and annoying, and I won't even need coffee! XD
I'm happy you checked LJ too! I aim to please!
Would you mind if I friended you? I love your stuff and while reading through these fics on your journal, I noticed that you're an Avatar fan too. I'm starting to get madly obsessed with Tokka
P.S. - MASSIVE icon love.
Haha, thank you! It's from mata090680
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