Title: Common Courtesy Series: Fullmetal Alchemist Theme no.: 28. sleight of hand and twist of fate Pairing: Ed/Winry Rating: K+ Summary: Ed tries in vain to distract Winry. Notes: Third of three updates for
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I love you muchly. Edward never even stood a chance. (pst- what about the follow-up apology smexing where Ed's all grumpy and Winry's all like "You're such a baby!") XD XD XD
AACK! My favorite of the bunch by far!!! This is excellent. Very very good Ed/Win magic. Love love love! (Maybe I should stop repeating my words, maybe?) Naturally, I love the romance, but the irony is truly amazing. Yay.
Ahh, I'm so glad you liked it! This is one of those ones that I wrestled with a bit, so god knows I'm just happy to see it go up, let alone get positive reviews. (Oh Winry. She can really drive the point home when she has to, doesn't she?)
Comments 25
I can't stop grinning and this is just too great.
(pst- what about the follow-up apology smexing where Ed's all grumpy and Winry's all like "You're such a baby!")
*grin* Anything is possible, I suppose? We'll have to see what prompts I still have left to write for...
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