Title: Midnight Musings Series: Fullmetal Alchemist Theme no.: 2. let x be the value of he who lies beside me Pairing: Ed/Winry Rating: K Summary: Winry’s late night thoughts on Ed. Notes: One half of an update for
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LOL. No, the closest I've come is actually being kicked OUT of bed and made to sleep on the couch, but that was with my friend and not with any significant other.
XD Sweet. It was very injoyable to read Winry's whole deep thought process, and then end it with this: Winry sighed, then rolled over and kicked back. ^^ That really is the best solution for the situation.
Excellent! I love checking lj on the morning to find you've up dated. :)
Poor Winry. I think my boyfriend can sympathise... I'm the most restless sleeper. It drives him demented. You've really got the frustration down. I wake up most mornings to find Rob knackered and grumpy because I've been kicking him all night. XD
Oh, and I love Winry kicking him back. So very, very Winry! Lol!
I really loved Winry's thought process in this, the way she goes over how awkward some things are even in this stage of their relationship. And kicking back is just priceless.
Winry, the key is to exhaust him before sleeping. If you know what I mean. ^_~
Aw, thank you! I like showing that - I know there are still times with my boyfriend when I just blink and look at him like, "...This is the boy I'm with?" and it's all awkward.
Winry, the key is to exhaust him before sleeping.
Winry told me she had a headache. And then Ed made it even worse.
Comments 16
Winry sighed, then rolled over and kicked back. ^^ That really is the best solution for the situation.
Excellent! I love checking lj on the morning to find you've up dated. :)
Poor Winry. I think my boyfriend can sympathise... I'm the most restless sleeper. It drives him demented. You've really got the frustration down. I wake up most mornings to find Rob knackered and grumpy because I've been kicking him all night. XD
Oh, and I love Winry kicking him back. So very, very Winry! Lol!
I'm in the same positiona as you and Ed - I'm def the one who kicks and steals the blankets. Luckily... I'm cute? LOL.
Winry, the key is to exhaust him before sleeping. If you know what I mean. ^_~
Winry, the key is to exhaust him before sleeping.
Winry told me she had a headache. And then Ed made it even worse.
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