Avatar: Alphabet Challenge: By the Seventh Round

Apr 28, 2009 21:51

Title: By the Seventh Round
Rating: T
Characters: Sokka/Toph
Summary: It's a fight for superiority.
A/N: Written as part of my Alphabet Drabbles challenge, as requested by tehlobster, with the prompt "jousting". No spoilers.

1. a combat in which two knights on horseback attempted to unhorse each other with blunted lances.
2. a personal competition or struggle

It’s never just sweet, simple kisses between them - it’s always a fight for superiority. He’s generally used to letting her have her way, but something about Toph awakens the competitive spirit within him. It could have been the way she wrapped her tiny hands around his collar and pulled him down to her level, or it could have been the way she growled against him or it could have been how she pushed him back against the wall, merely yanking him down harder when he gasps and tries to straighten up.

This is how it always goes, when things spiral completely out of control. She kicks, he bites, and in the mornings when they wake up, exhausted and marked up but entirely saturated in satisfaction, neither one is sure who won, exactly.

They resolve to pay closer attention, next time.

avatar, alphabet challenge, sokkaxtoph

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