my day in the biggest nutshell

Aug 27, 2007 21:01

[20:35] Me: i need you to verify something for me cuz you hang out with all them nerfangled lady lovers
[20:35] amy: I like ladies
[20:35] amy: "nerfangled" is my new favorite word
[20:35] Me: Is it true that "Bitch" is becoming a positive term to refer to the lesbian right? because THAT is the dumbest thing i've ever heard
[20:35] Me: i know!
[20:35] amy: uh, not to my knowledge
[20:35] Me: i was going to correct it, and then i was like "no, i like nerfangled"
[20:35] amy: let me ask my other lesbian
[20:36] Me: I ....oh my god.
[20:36] amy: what?
[20:36] Me: "I heard from Judit through alex that lesbians are totally calling each other bitches!"
[20:36] Me: it's what i was gonna say.
[20:36] Me: honest.
[20:36] Me: possibly with a " a good way!" at the end
[20:36] amy: are you sure they're not just mad at each other
[20:36] amy: :P
[20:36] Me: judit is kind of crazy though
[20:36] amy: "judit"?
[20:36] Me: honest.
[20:36] amy: WEIRD
[20:36] Me: I thought it was Judith and i was crazy for a long time, but no.
[20:36] Me: Judit.
[20:37] Me: OH!
[20:37] Me: I need to book this later.
[20:37] Me: SO muych happaned today
[20:37] Me: it was great.
[20:37] Me: Let me begin at the start.
[20:37] amy: okay
[20:37] amy: (my day was not happening)
[20:38] Me: Something bad happaned to Alex, details unclear. I think he almost got asrrested, but instead his licensed (driving) was revoked. He then mysteriously vanished, so i chased after him, but i couldn't find him anywhere! So i gave up. and headed toward the beach
[20:38] Me: SOMETHING triggered in my brain and i was like "This could never happen. No, really, this could never happen, i'm DREAMING."
[20:38] amy: Yeah, I was like "wait WHAT oh"
[20:38] Me: and then this guy climbed up the cliff towards me and was CRAZY. and he tried to kill me, with a knife, but i killed him first, by pushing him off the cliff. then i stole his knife, which i plunged into my right beltloop, as my fake sword was plunged into my left.
[20:39] Me: I was very confused because i didn't understand why, in a dream, i couldn't reason with this guy.
[20:39] amy: she sounds reasonable!
[20:39] Me: So i tried to fly, and sort of succeeded, but not really, because i suck at flying.
[20:39] Me: let's reason with her using our reason!
[20:39] Me: Anyway.
[20:39] Me: Then i landed, lightly, but not really flyyy on the boardwalk and started walking
[20:40] Me: and i met this group of girls,.. and possibly ate some kind of peach like fruit?
[20:40] Me: And she agreed to make me a potion of awesome.
[20:40] Me: now, the think was, i was breaching consciousness because i was trying to decide what i should have her call the potion she was going to prepare for me
[20:40] Me: i decided on "Cure all" and woke up before i could get it.
[20:40] Me: THEN my awesome day started!
[20:40] Me: ..maybe it was restore all.
[20:41] Me: I woke up at 7, and again at 930, i couldn't tell you when the above happaned.
[20:41] amy: I know how that goes
[20:41] Me: i went to get my keys, i did a MUCH better job of getting them this time.
[20:41] Me: I was like "Hi! Can i have my keys?"
[20:41] Me: and Peggy was like "Why are you here? I mean, what are you early for?"
[20:41] Me: and i was like "Isn't today move in?"
[20:41] Me: and she was like "No, tomorrow."
[20:41] Me: and i was like "Oh.. uh.. no reason, then."
[20:42] Me: and she went "vhhhheeee" in that 'i-shouldn't-do-this-but-i'm-going-to-tell-no-one-or-we'll-both-be-in-trouble' tone of voice.
[20:42] Me: and she asked where i live and my name and everything and gave me my keys and i was all SCORE!@
[20:42] amy: excellent noise transcription
[20:42] Me: it took me a minute to get it right, but thanks! ^_^
[20:43] Me: So, then i was happy.
[20:43] Me: I went to the post office and opened my post
[20:43] Me: i'm only signed upf or 3 classes, pus dance. So i have room to work in some way to get my lsat psych credit.
[20:43] Me: I then had to move my stuff out of cafflisch and to my room which was WAY harder than i expected, somehow my tv box was WAY heavy and i had to rest a lot of times to get it home.
[20:44] Me: THEN!
[20:44] Me: i went into town
[20:44] amy: there's a town?
[20:44] amy: I didn't realize
[20:44] Me: well, you know, meadville.
[20:44] amy: I imagined allegheny as being like in the sticks
[20:44] amy: like ten miles from a gas station
[20:44] Me: it's like if...if, m.
[20:44] Me: ok, it's like.
[20:44] amy: ...I have no idea what that means.
[20:44] Me: if a regular town had a baby that would be meadville.
[20:45] Me: also, the regular town would need to be a coke addict.
[20:45] amy: awww
[20:45] amy: less aw
[20:45] Me: hehe
[20:45] Me: no it's , uh, quaint.
[20:45] Me: anyway!
[20:45] Me: i went to "seventh Heaven" which has dresses, tuxes, and costumes
[20:45] Me: and i explained about how everyone wants me to be in the drag show and i was considering
[20:45] Me: it
[20:45] Me: and the salesgirl was all THE DRAG SHOW WAS AWESMOE
[20:46] Me: so she helped me out, but failed to hook me up.
[20:46] Me: She said they had wigs (needed) and shawls (a plus for my shoulders) but the only real dresses they had were costumes.
[20:46] Me: at least for renting
[20:46] Me: i think i liked the wigs at, oh god, it was liek "wig-a-licious" or sometihng better but whatever.
[20:46] Me: i tried on a cruella deville dress, to check my size.
[20:46] amy: What's your size? :P
[20:47] Me: it was an 8 and it looked fanfuckingtastic from the pecs down. but i couldn't zip it all the way.
[20:47] Me: approximately a 10-12
[20:47] amy: ....
[20:47] amy: You know, that's my size.
[20:47] Me: but that dress was old, and sizes shring so maybe as small as an 8.
[20:47] Me: really?
[20:47] amy: Yeah, I'm a 10
[20:47] Me: hot. let's trade dresses!
[20:47] amy: I only have one size-10 dress
[20:47] amy: it's black with green trim
[20:47] Me: i don't know if thats REALLY my size, it's just the size we gestimated.
[20:48] Me: anyway!
[20:48] amy: you know the point of the word guesstimated is that it has "guess" in it
[20:48] Me: i also went to dollar general where i got cheap food. and i got peppermint shnapps so i can try my iced tea idea.
[20:48] Me: You KNOW that's too many letters for me when i'm excited
[20:48] Me: OH!
[20:48] Me: THEN i was OH WAIT
[20:48] amy: I FINALLY had mixed drink for the first time
[20:49] Me: I also picked up a new dog tag chain, even though it has the wrong number of beads
[20:49] Me: how was it? and what was it?
[20:49] amy: mojitos (good) and tom collins (better)
[20:50] Me: ok, so THEN, i was walking home and i saw a couch and a recliner on the side of the walk with signs that said "free!" so i went YES PLEASE! and made alex help me take the recliner home and now it's on our porch
[20:50] Me: Never had either. when did this happen?
[20:50] Me: i haven't set up OH CRAP
[20:50] amy: when I was at sasha's with alex
[20:50] Me: i ALSO stopped by the thrift store and got a beautiful pating
[20:50] Me: it's... bigger than everything in my room but the furniture
[20:50] amy: hah
[20:50] Me: and it's really pretty, and it cost me five bucks.
[20:51] Me: also, this will sound weird.
[20:51] amy: mojitos are like, rum, mint, lime, club soda, some kind of minty lime mix
[20:51] Me: but it makes me feel more like.. my home, now that i have my very first ainting
[20:51] Me: dude, replace "club soda" with.. mm mt. dew or something, and sold.
[20:51] Me: sprite, maybe sprite.
[20:51] Me: i realized i'm a rum drinker.
[20:51] Me: i like it best.
[20:51] amy: tom collins are (not sure if always, but we made them) rum, mix (which was like lemonade) and then we put in raspberries
[20:52] amy: no it has to be club soda
[20:52] Me: why?
[20:52] amy: it's already pretty sweet with the mix
[20:52] Me: ah
[20:52] Me: lame
[20:52] amy: I mean, I don't know if more sugar is needed
[20:52] Me: hehe
[20:52] Me: TC sounds good.
[20:52] amy: the tom collins was REALLY sweet but we might have gotten proportions wrong
[20:52] Me: also, today was mentioned Kiwi soup.
[20:52] Me: and i was liek yes please!
[20:52] amy: she didn't have anything to measure so we had to eyeball it
[20:52] Me: hehe
[20:53] Me: I think that's all the stories i have. my room is awesome, i sort of made a secret passage. i love it. i wish i could show you once it's set up
[20:53] Me: whoo

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