Reason #812 to love When you order a DVD that comes out on a Monday, you tend to get it on the Saturday before. So, I offer you screencaps, not of extra scenes, but the blood on the land making of docu.
clive, on the horror of acting while a-horse.
i know it's stupid, but it's something of a shock to see Gawain speaking with an Australian accent.
ms knightley.
how cute is this?!
whatever you say about Jerry Bruckheimer, he takes nice pictures.
and again...though a bath? Probably wouldn't go amiss.
"I'm chain smoking and I'm middle aged..." - Skellen Skarsgard on the joys of shooting fights. cute?!
Apparently he flaps his legs around when he's on a horse.
This shot is great, for the look Joel is giving her, and for the fact that Mads has a habit of flicking his hair out of his eyes.
Ray understands why John Wayne used to walk the way he did.
"Is this your scary face?"
now you can see why his beard had to be painted on.
posher than you'd think.
I still don't get it, but a bit of ioany goodness.